Mae and Tuck returned to Treegap but it was not the Treegap they remembered. The roads were blacktop, the woods were gone and there was a gas station where the Foster's house had been all those years ago. Their horse drawn wagon got many stares. They passed by a new jail with a police car outside of it and made their way to a diner. Tuck talked to the waiter, asking about the woods. The waiter explained a storm had come through about three years before and the woods caught on fire. After that, it had to be bulldozed. Tuck asked about a spring in the woods, but the waiter knew nothing about it. After eating, Mae went shopping and Tuck went for a walk. They had both seen the cemetery as they arrived in town......
like the highest seat of a ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning
its on page 3
the wheel represents life and death, the sun idk , the toad freedom
In the novel "Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbitt, the word "fragrant" can be found on page 3. The word is used to describe the scent of the woods surrounding the Tuck family's home. This detail helps set the scene and establish the natural and peaceful setting of the story.
Jesse Tuck is the love interest of Winifred Foster in the children's novel, Tuck Everlasting. He is described as being beautiful and quick like water. He sees Winnie as a possibility to be his future wife. He tries to tell her to drink some of the immortal water and is very heartbroken when Winnie decides to remain mortal and dies many years later. He can never die because he and his family drank the immortal water.
like the highest seat of a ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning
What chapter 3? This question is way too broad!
its on page 3
Bella and Edwards: chapter 1-Engagement, chapter 2-Preparation for marriage. chapter 3-Their big day.
Matthew dies
micheal jackson
yes i could
the wheel represents life and death, the sun idk , the toad freedom
ugh its called sub the mr beast