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Mae and Tuck returned to Treegap but it was not the Treegap they remembered. The roads were blacktop, the woods were gone and there was a gas station where the Foster's house had been all those years ago. Their horse drawn wagon got many stares. They passed by a new jail with a police car outside of it and made their way to a diner. Tuck talked to the waiter, asking about the woods. The waiter explained a storm had come through about three years before and the woods caught on fire. After that, it had to be bulldozed. Tuck asked about a spring in the woods, but the waiter knew nothing about it. After eating, Mae went shopping and Tuck went for a walk. They had both seen the cemetery as they arrived in town......

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

In the third chapter of Tuck Everlasting Winnie is sitting out on the grass just inside the fence,talking to a toad which is the only living thing out there right then while talking to the frog Winnie's grandmother tells her that she shouldnt be out there.

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