If by 'strongest' you mean 'highest ATK', then the strongest Lv1 monsters are Blackwing Vayu - Emblem of Honor, and Fiend Roar Deity Beast Kashi, with 800ATK.
However cards like Thousand Eyes Restrict, some would argue are even stronger than those.
No, but it would be an awesome monster if they could.
Bakugan is a rip-off of both Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh. Its like the level of power of your Bakugan. And whoever wrote the first answer Bakugan are way better that Yu-Gi-Oh, well I like Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's. I mean I could say Yu-Gi-Oh is a spin-off of Pokemon. I think Pokemon, Bakugan, and Yu-Gi-Oh are all kind of alike but at the same time think they are totally different.
Yes it can if the monster with 0 DEF is the only face-up monsteron your opponent's side of the field. If they have two or more monsters with 0 DEF, you can choose the monster to destroy.
yes there is Yu-Gi-Oh game in the playstation network store it is called Yu-Gi-Oh decade duels plus.
There was the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie that was in English, and there is the newer one that will premiere soon in English, Yu-Gi-Oh! Super Fusion! Bonds That Transcend Time.
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is the strongest Normal monster with 3000 ATK.
Five-Headed Dragon
Its more or less personal opinion.
There really is no best monster its just how you use all of your monster together with your combined effects of spell and trap cards that makes them strong. Its about the strongest deck not the strongest monster!
exodia can be but only if you have all five parts or exodius the ultimate forbidden lord but the strongest card is dragon master knight
It is Level 5, so one monster.
each star represent the level the monster is at
The number of stars (or the level of a monster) can range from one star to twelve stars.
'Hyper Psychic Blaster / Assault Mode' is the strongest Psychic Yu-Gi-Oh Card, ATK-wise.
"Monster Reborn" is the name of a Yu-Gi-Oh card.