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The spring was magic and when the Tucks drank it they lived forever and the tree gave them a hint that they live forever because the tree lived forever.

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13y ago

i would drink it then bottle it all up and keep it forever to ensure that no one ever drank the water.

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14y ago

It's called the spring.

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Q: What is the spring water called in the book Tuck Everlasting?
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Near the giant ash tree in "Tuck Everlasting," there is a spring with water that grants immortality to those who drink from it.

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An amazing fact about the Tucks in "Tuck Everlasting" is that they are immortal and do not age. They gained this gift from drinking water from a magical spring.

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In tuck everlasting the tuck family drink from spring they weren't real

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The tucks receive immortality by drinking water from a spring in the fooot from a tree.

Who gives Winnie the bottle of spring water?

Winnie receives the bottle of spring water from her father in the book "Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbitt.

What did Jesse leave for Winnie Tuck Everlasting?

The water from the spring for Winnie to drink when she turns seventeen.

What does Miles share with Winnie about his future goals in Tuck Everlasting?

dont drink the spring the water

Is the spring from Tuck Everlasting make you live forever?

yes if u drink the spring water it makes you live forever

What is secret that tuck told Winnie from the book tuck everlasting?

That they drank from the spring water which gave them eternal life.