The largest lake is Lake Taupo and the smallest lake is Lake Ohau. There is a total of 3820 lakes in NZ ranging from 616km (squared) to 2 km (squared)
Finland is an independent European Country.
Bassenthwaite Lake is the only one actually called a Lake. The others are called Meres, Waters or Tarns. (The Tarns are smaller.) It is always difficult to define a smallest as it depends on what exactly you call a lake. See the Related Link for a list.
A tributary is a small stream or river that flows into a larger main river or lake. The smallest tributary in the world is Roe River which is located in Great Falls Montana. This river runs between Giant Springs and the Missouri River.
the smallest lake in the Philippines is lake Buhi.
Lake Ontario is the smallest of all the Great Lakes.
Lake Ontario is the smallest of the Great Lakes by surface area.
Lake Ink is the smallest lake in Texas. It is a reservoir on the Colorado river in the Texas hill country.
Finland has around 200'000 lakes. The largest lake in Finland is Saimaa. It is Europes 4th largest lake.
Lake victoria
The smallest body of water would be a brook, or creek. The smallest lake of the Great Lakes is Lake Ontario.
Lake Ontario Lake Ontario has the least surface area but Lake Erie has the smallest water volume.
lake titicaca
Lake nipigon
Lake tahoe