The fastest way to get from San Francisco to Las Vegas is by using I-5 in California. You can then travel on I-15 N from there to reach Las Vegas, NV.
The driving distance from San Francisco, CA, to Las Vegas, NV, is 568mi / 914km
Flight:Las Vegas, NV (LAS) to San Francisco, CA (SFO)Flight Duration 1 hour 25 minsDistance:The direct distance between Las Vegas, Nevada and San Francisco, California is 420 miles (676 km).The driving distance from Las Vegas to San Francisco is 571 mi - about 8 hours 41 mins.570 miles away
The driving distance is about 560 miles.
San Francisco..From north to south they are:San FranciscoLos Angeles and thenSan Diego.
A bus ticket from San Francisco to Las Vegas will cost approximately $69.52 - $89.00 depending on the fare type selected. The price of a bus ticket depends on the fare type purchased (example: refundable, non-refundable, return, one-way). Price confirmation can be obtained online or through your local Greyhound Operator.
I have no idea where you got the notion that Las Vegas was in any city, but your answer is no. Las Vegas is in Nevada. San Francisco doesn't even have any casinos in it.
It is farther to San Francisco from Los Angeles then is the drive to Las Vegas.
Hi, could you tell me how far it is from Las Vegas to San Francisco and the approximate flying time?
The driving distance from San Francisco, CA, to Las Vegas, NV, is 568mi / 914km
Yes, the drive from San Francisco to Las Vegas is 571 mi - about 8 hours 45 mins.
Flight:Las Vegas, NV (LAS) to San Francisco, CA (SFO)Flight Duration 1 hour 25 minsDistance:The direct distance between Las Vegas, Nevada and San Francisco, California is 420 miles (676 km).The driving distance from Las Vegas to San Francisco is 571 mi - about 8 hours 41 mins.570 miles away
Alike like Las vegas
The distance from Los Angeles to San Francisco is farther.Or:San Francisco is the most distant city.Or:Las Vegas js the closest city.Or:Las Vegas is closer to Los Angeles then San Francisco is.
2 days
Death Valley is an attraction that can be seen traveling between Las Vegas and San Francisco. Some other sites to see are Yosemite and the Grand Canon.
Los Angeles to San Francisco is farther. :)
Los Angeles to San Francisco