The film "The Blind Side" is set during the later teenage years of Michael Oher. The film spans Oher's high school attendance at Briarcrest Christian School (fictionalized in the movie as Wingate Christian School), through his college career at The University of Mississippi and culminating with his achievement as a first-round draft pick by the Baltimore Ravens.
The movie is based in-part on portions of the book 'The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game,' written by Michael Lewis.
Michael Oher is the player in "The Blind Side".
The genre of the movie The Blind Side is Biography and Drama. There is also Sport because it's about football.
Yes everything in the blind side is real.
The blind side maybe
The Blind Side (2009) is set in Memphis, Tennessee and Oxford, Mississippi.
Michael Oher is the player in "The Blind Side".
The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.
The genre of the movie The Blind Side is Biography and Drama. There is also Sport because it's about football.
Yes everything in the blind side is real.
The blind side maybe
The movie "The Blind Side" was the greatest movie of the century. I laughed, I cried, I even clapped at the end! If you are looking to see a truly fantastic movie, go see "The Blind Side" or rent it on DVD. It came out March 23, 2010. I would really recommend seeing this movie.
The movie was released in 2009.
The Blind Side (2009) is set in Memphis, Tennessee and Oxford, Mississippi.
The blind side is a true story, this movie is very accurate, if you watch the whole movie you see real pics and story's from the real people@!
Warner Brothers Pictures is the U.S. distributor for The Blind Side (2009).
According to the official website of "The Blind Side," the movie is already being screened.Click on the Related Link to see the preview of the movie.
John Lee Hancock