Principles and values of life learnt through education and experience gives birth to philosophy in one's life.Philosophy lays the foundation of leading one's life based on our principles.Education is the source of learning and philosophy it's applications in our daily life.
PHILOSOPHY is a study that seeks to understand the mysteries of existence and reality. It tries to discover the nature of truth and knowledge and to find what is of basic value and importance in life.It also examines the relationships between humanity and nature and between the individual and society. Philosophy arises out of wonder, curiosity, and the desire to know and understand. Philosophy is thus a form of inquiry--a process of analysis, criticism, interpretation, and speculation.
The term philosophy cannot be defined precisely because the subject is so complex and so controversial. Different philosophers have different views of the nature, methods, and range of philosophy. The term philosophy itself comes from the Greek philosophia, which means love of wisdom. In that sense, wisdom is the active use of intelligence, not something passive that a person simply possesses.
The first known Western philosophers lived in the ancient Greek world during the early 500's B.C. These early philosophers tried to discover the basic makeup of things and the nature of the world and of reality. For answers to questions about such subjects, people had largely relied on magic, superstition, religion, tradition, or authority. But the Greek philosophers considered those sources of knowledge unreliable. Instead, they sought answers by thinking and by studying nature.
Philosophy has also had a long history in some non-Western cultures, especially in China and India. But until about 200 years ago, there was little interchange between those philosophies and Western philosophy, chiefly because of difficulties of travel and communication. As a result, Western philosophy generally developed independently of Eastern philosophy.
The Importance of PhilosophyPhilosophic thought is an inescapable part of human existence.Almost everyone has been puzzled from time to time by such essentially philosophic questions as "What does life mean?" "Did I have any existence before I was born?" and "Is there life after death?" Most people also have some kind of philosophy in the sense of a personal outlook on life. Even a person who claims that considering philosophic questions is a waste of time is expressing what is important, worthwhile, or valuable. A rejection of all philosophy is in itself philosophy.
By studying philosophy, people can clarify what they believe, and they can be stimulated to think about ultimate questions. A person can study philosophers of the past to discover why they thought as they did and what value their thoughts may have in one's own life. There are people who simply enjoy reading the great philosophers, especially those who were also great writers.
Philosophy has had enormous influence on our everyday lives. The very language we speak uses classifications derived from philosophy. For example, the classifications of noun and verb involve the philosophic idea that there is a difference between things and actions. If we ask what the difference is, we are starting a philosophic inquiry.
Every institution of society is based on philosophic ideas, whether that institution is the law, government, religion, the family, marriage, industry, business, or education. Philosophic differences have led to the overthrow of governments, drastic changes in laws, and the transformation of entire economic systems. Such changes have occurred because the people involved held certain beliefs about what is important, true, real, and significant and about how life should be ordered.
Systems of education follow a society's philosophic ideas about what children should be taught and for what purposes. Democratic societies stress that people learn to think and make choices for themselves. Nondemocratic societies discourage such activities and want their citizens to surrender their own interests to those of the state. The values and skills taught by the educational system of a society thus reflect the society's philosophic ideas of what is important.
Throughout history philosophers have sought to understand the nature of wisdom and how to achieve it.
* Western philosophic theories on wisdom, Natural Law: Classical Theories; Nicholas of Cusa; Plato: Early Dialogues; Western Philosophy: Introduction; The Republic; Scholasticism: Introduction; Sophists; Stoicism
* wisdom in Chinese philosophic tradition, Chinese Philosophy: Classical Age; Confucianism: Introduction; Laozi (Lao-tzu)
* divine wisdom, Logos; Christology: In the New Testament; Martin Luther: Theology;Ophites
* some people who were renowned for their wisdom, Abd al-Qadir; Marcus Aurelius; Confucius; Diogenes of Sinope; Benjamin Franklin; John Marshall; Seven Wise Men of Greece; Socrates; Solomon; Solon; Thales
* mythological gods and goddesses of wisdom, Athena; Greek Mythology: Principle Gods; Hermetic Books; Mithraism; Nebo; Odin
all three is under my name, sabbir
From what I understand of the two, existentialism is the philosophy that man must create their own meaning of life without outside social influences and absurdism is the philosophy that man cannot find the any meaning in the world because the world is meaningless.
Distinguish between a public law relationship and a private law relationship.
All religions are a philosophy. A relevant definition of religion from Webster's Dictionary is " a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith." A relevant definition of Philosophy is, "a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means." All religions offer a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative means. Once you have chosen a religion you have arrived at your own personal philosophy of life.
relationship between philosophy and psychology
misosophy - hatred of wisdom (as opposed to philosophy, which means love of wisdom)
They are entirely different.
Philosophy means the love of wisdom.
Philosophy means "Love of Wisdom" in Greek
Love is αγάπη (agape) and wisdom is σοφία (Sophia). Philo - love, Sophia - wisdom Hence philosophy is the love of wisdom.
A synonym for philosophy is "thought" or "wisdom."
A synonym for philosophy is "metaphysics" or "wisdom."
music is higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy
The study of philosophy covers a wide range of topics, including metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology, while the philosophy of man specifically focuses on human nature, existence, and the relationship between individuals and society. In essence, the philosophy of man is a subset within the broader field of philosophy that emphasizes understanding human experience and behavior.
The word 'philosophy' in Greek is derived from two words: 'philo', meaning love, and 'sophia', meaning wisdom. So, 'philosophy' literally translates to 'love of wisdom'.