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The relation between thyroid disorder andbipolar disorder is that there is an increased tendency to develop Bipolar disorder in persons having one particular form of thyroid disorder. It has been shown that autoimmune thyroiditis, specifically, is the thyroid dysfunction that is responsible for this.

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Q: What is the relationship between bipolar disorder and thyroid disorder?
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What is the relationship between IgE antibodies and the thyroid?

The relationship between IgE antibodies or immunoglobulin E and thyroid is that an increased level of these antibodies can lead to Grave's disease. It is believed that the immunoglobulin antibodies actually lead to this thyroid disorder.

Does age matter if you are 5'2 and 99lbs?

Age matters most until between 15-18 years of age when all growth hormones stop, generally around 15 years old. By then, a child reaches maximum height. From then on, weight depends primarily on fitness, exercise, and nutrition, unless you have a thyroid disorder or other medical condition that affects weight.

Located in the throat bilobed gland connected by an isthmus?

thyroid gland.

What is the effect of tyroxin if it is secret insufficiently?

Thyroxine is the main hormone that is produced into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland. It helps in digestion, heart and muscle function, brain development and maintenance of the bones. If it secretes insufficiently there could be major problems. If there is too much of it you may have overactivity of the thyroid gland such as Graves disease. Symptoms would include irritability, hair loss, tremors, tiredness, etc. If you have too little of it you can get hypothyroidism, where the thyroid is underactive. Symptoms of an underactive thyroid would be fatigue, low heart rate, weight gain, etc.

What are the release dates for Don't Make Me Sick - 2009 Now That I'm Dying of a Thyroid Problem 1-7?

Don't Make Me Sick - 2009 Now That I'm Dying of a Thyroid Problem 1-7 was released on: USA: 17 November 2009

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What is the relationship between IgE antibodies and the thyroid?

The relationship between IgE antibodies or immunoglobulin E and thyroid is that an increased level of these antibodies can lead to Grave's disease. It is believed that the immunoglobulin antibodies actually lead to this thyroid disorder.

Is there any relationship between thyroid and itching?

Yes, there can be a relationship between thyroid dysfunction and itching.

Do people who are depressive have MAJOR mood swings?

Mood swings are an indication of manic depression, otherwise known as bipolar disorder. There are other reasons, however that could cause severe mood swings, such as diabetes, thyroid imbalance, and brain tumors. Food allergies or nutrional deficiences sometimes also present with mood swings.

A disorder caused by hyposecretion from the thyroid gland is?


Can you take adipex being bipolar?

Yes, depending on bipolar treatments. Adipex-P is the brand name for the appetite reducing drug phentermine. Being bipolar and taking Adipex should not be a problem (conditions that should be cautious about taking Adipex are heart disease, glaucoma, lung disease, thyroid disease or being pregnant). However, there can be complications between Adipex and certain medications taken to treat bipolar disorder. There can be bad interactions between Adipex and MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) and SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) like Carbex, Marplan, Nardil, Parnate, Elderpryl, paroxetine, citalopram, and escitalopram.

What endocrine disorder of the thyroid gland affects adults?


What is the name of the disorder in adults with the thyroid hormone?

hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism

What immune system disorder attaches to the thyroid gland causing an overproduction of the thyroid hormone?

Graves' diseasegrave's disease

By what measure is thyroid storm a fatal disorder?

Mortality from thyroid storm, an uncommon complication of thyroidectomy, is in the range of 20-30%.

What test confirms the diagnosis of thyroid gland disorder?

There are various tests that can confirm the diagnosis of a thyroid gland disorder. Regarding blood tests, the most common is the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) test. However, there are several other blood tests that can help determine the overall health the function of the thyroid gland.Related Article - An Overview: Understanding Thyroid Blood Tests

Is hypothyroidism a lifestyle disorder?

No. Is is an malfunction of the thyroid gland. It has nothing to do with lifestyle.

How is the radiotracer used to treat thyroid disorder?

This is the iodine isotope 131I.