Road and traffic laws are the responsibility of the provinces, each province will have their own laws and punishments but generally it is going to involve lost of driving privileges, fines, maybe lost of the vehicle, and likely jail time. It is also a criminal offense and being a criminal can result in the loss of your job, ability to travel internationally, and many other negative issues. In Canada it is always best to not drink and drive, even if you think you are OK.
Drinking: 18 Driving: 18
The driving distance from Charlottetown, Canada to Sackville, Canada is 81 miles / 130 km.
a type of punishiment inflicted on the body
The driving distance is about 3,300km.
The driving distance is about 2,370km
No punishment because they encourage underage drinking.
yes drinking driving is a crime
Drinking: 18 Driving: 18
The correct answer is : drinking and driving
O Canada O Canada
In terms of drinking and driving laws, Russia, China, Taiwan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates are the strictest
Drinking in Public - is usually a "disorderly conduct-type" charge and is a misdemeanor.
impaired driving
It doesnt. The police use it if they suspect someone drinking and driving and get the suspect to breath into it to tell them if the have been drinking.
the answer is that they placed them in the village stocks.
Ya 12 people die every minute because of drinking and driving.