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its an rpg game taking you, to the fantasy world of albion. you play as the prince in your journey to dethrone you brother, the king. its an interesting game to play, for all players who liked fable 2, or fantasy rpgs. it is interesting, to learn the story line, and kick butt, it will draw you in easily, and is very simple to understand.

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Q: What is the point of the game Fable 3?
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Where can you get wings in fable 3?

Complete the game and you will get them.

Which Fable game should you buy?

I personally think you sould buy Fable 2. Not Fable 3, because in Fable 3, when you turn evil; your weapon changes. But in Fable 2, you grow horns; or if you're good, you grow a halo. :)

Answer this if you like Fable 2?

Fable 2 is a great game! I quite enjoyed playing it and I look forward to playing Fable 3 this summer!

Is Halo the game better than Fable the game?

It depends which Halo and which Fable. If you mean Halo 1 vs. Fable 1, then I'd say Fable, because Halo 1 doesn't have multiplayer on the Xbox. But, if you mean Halo 3 vs. Fable 2, then I personally like Halo 3 better. Halo 3, even after you beat the campaign, the game has longevity because there is multiplayer, whereas once you beat the Fable campaign, you're bored with it.

Is there a temple of yokels in fable?

Not in the original Fable, or Fable, the Lost Chapters. There is one in Fable 2, located in Bloodstone (it is the start point of the quest "T.O.B.Y", and is not a real temple, just a house (You can buy it later on in the game))

What system will Fable 3 be on?

Microsoft has released the fact that all Fable sequels will be on the Xbox 360 game system.

How do you send weapons over from Fable 2 to fable 3?

You can't, lionhead studios made new weapons for fable 3, which you collect on the game, they have not created a feature for sending weapons over from previous games, so really, weapons from fable 2 don't actually exist in fable 3.

Why did every one die after you finished the game in fable 3?


Is there a new fable?

If your talking about the game console game "Fable" then yes there is going to be a new one. The upcoming fable game is called "Fable : The Journey" and is released on December 31st 2012. It's based on the events that happened in "Fable 3" except your their son/daughter. There's more information on some websites so search about it :) Hope i helped!!

Can you transfer all of Fable 2 stuff to fable 3?

i should think so since on fable TLC u could get stuff from your hero on fable 1. i shud think tht u could transfer the items over to fable 3 from a saved game file on your hard drive from fable 2 .

Fallout 3 vs Fable 2 vs fable 3 which game is best and why?

Its a matter of an opinion. If you like games where you have to think and make important decisions, you should get Fallout 3. If you like games where you can make, money, be rich, and rule an empire, Fable 2 and Fable 3 are good. I personally prefer Fable 3 considering it has better graphics as well as a better storyline.

Can you be a woman in Fable 3?

Yes, you start the game as either a Prince or Princess.