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It might not have been cast yet. I don't even think that the movie is being made this year.

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Q: What is the official cast for the Maximum Ride movie?
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Who is playing Nudge?

There isn't an official cast for the Maximum Ride movie yet.

Who is going to be the Maximum Ride movie?

There is no official cast, but James Patterson said he wanted unknowns.

When will the cast of the Maximum Ride movie be selected?

not sure but go to imdb and type in maximum ride and anything they decide for the movie it will be posted on there

How can someone get cast in the Maximum Ride movie?


Is Maximum Ride on DVD?

no, there is no movie no cast, no screenplay, no nothin'

Who is in the Maximum Ride movie cast?

There is no official cast for the Maximum Ride movie at the moment. There may already be one, but it has not been announced yet. The movie is coming out in 2013.

What is the cast for Maximum Ride the movie?

No one has been cast yet. The movie is rumored to come out in 2013.

What is going to be the real cast for Maximum Ride the movie?

No one has been cast yet.

Who is going to be in the movie Maximum Ride?

No one has been cast yet.

Are they going to make a movie for Maximum Ride?

Yes, they are already looking for the cast members.

Who is going to play angel in the Maximum Ride movie that coming out in 2013?

there is still no cast.

How will the wings in the Maximum Ride be made?

The wings in the movie Maximum Ride will most likely be made by computers. The cast won't have to wear wings or something stupid like that.