libreville,port gentil ,luanda,
There's actually a port right at Sao Tome.
The Mystic Seaport
There are many things to do at Mystic Seaport. This includes exploring the museum, going on a cruise, visiting the aquarium, and going to the cider mill.
Cannes is a seaport, so anything fish (Mediterranean). The city's name originates from a word meaning "reeds", so marshlands must abound with waterfowl.
whay is the seaport in praGUE
the nearest seaport to york is up your bum
the port of Oakland
Savannah, GA
what is the nearest seaport from Urumqi china
foshan itself a port
Koper, Slovenia or Trieste, Italy!
Dover, in the County of Kent.
Starting from Budapest Hungary, the closest seaport to Hungary is Senj in Croatia. Senj is 530 km away from Budapest. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.