Phil Guerrero is his name. I was just searching the net to answer this very question. He was the host of The Zone on YTV when I was a kid. Uber Nostalgia
The jinchuuriki for the Yonbi (four-tailed beast) is Rōshi.
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There is no other name for Star Wars. It's just STAR WARS.
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wtffff ? her name was jamieee and if you'r going to answer queations answer the properally ?^o)
Karaoke is Japanese, from the word kara meaning empty.
What her name
The star that a planet travels around is called its parent star or host star. The parent star provides the gravitational force that keeps the planet in orbit around it. Similarly, our planet Earth orbits around the star we call the Sun.
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A Japanese singalong is often referred to as a "karaoke." Participants can sing along to instrumental versions of songs with lyrics displayed on a screen.
Asian Lai's birth name is Thuon Khan.
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Most Christmas songs are capable of being karaoke tracks. Part of the joy of carols is that everybody knows the words and can sing along. The most famous Christmas karaoke song is probably Joy To The World.
"Host" could mean your domain name provider, your webspace provider, etc. A host name is the name of your "Host".
The host name is
usually it is there Asian name like in my case