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Q: What is the name Lucy in french?
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What is Lucy in French?

the first name 'Lucy' is spelled 'Lucie' in French.

What does Lucy mean in French?

"Lucy" is the English equivalent of the French name "Lucie". It is a feminine name of Latin origin meaning "light".

What is 'Lucy' in French?

'Lucy' in French is 'Lucie'.

What does the name lucie?

The name Lucie is a French variant of the English "Lucy", and means light.

What is the meaning of Lucy?

The Meaning of the Name Lucy is, Light and its origins come from various places including, french, English and latin. another version of Lucy can me written as Lucie but most use the Lucy Variant!!

Was lucille ball and desi arnaze daughter name Lucy?

No, they named her Lucie, a French variant.

When was Lucy Virginia French born?

Lucy Virginia French was born in 1825.

When did Lucy Virginia French die?

Lucy Virginia French died in 1881.

Who is Lucy and where did archaeologists get her name?

Lucy is a fossilized skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia by a French/American team. She is named after the Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."

What nationality is the last name Lucy?

Lucy is a French, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh surname derived from the Latin name Lucius. The name means as of light. The English Lucy surname is taken from the Norman language and is also based on the Latin name Lucius. It was transmitted to England after the Norman Conquest in the 11th century.

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What is the Hawaiian name for Lucy?

The Hawaiian name for Lucy is Lusi.