I have all of the I Love Lucy series--1 through 9. I love Lucy is my all-time favorite show. To answer the question. The name of the first I Love Lucy episode is "The Lost I Love Lucy Pilot"... :) You're welcome!
I Love Lucy/The Lucy Show had the last name of "Mcgillicutty" in it. Maybe that's what you were thinking of...?
I honestly doubt her name was ever stated, though I'm open! She was always Mrs. McGillicuddy, including in a letter to Lucy! I would think her first name would be stated in either the Ricardos' marriage certificate, or in Lucy's birth certificate, but I can't find any evidence. Did you know Mrs. Trumbell's first name was Matilda?
First episode - "Lucy Thinks Ricky is Trying to Murder Her"
the first name 'Lucy' is spelled 'Lucie' in French.
"Lucy" is the English equivalent of the French name "Lucie". It is a feminine name of Latin origin meaning "light".
'Lucy' in French is 'Lucie'.
The name Lucie is a French variant of the English "Lucy", and means light.
The Meaning of the Name Lucy is, Light and its origins come from various places including, french, English and latin. another version of Lucy can me written as Lucie but most use the Lucy Variant!!
No, they named her Lucie, a French variant.
Lucy Virginia French was born in 1825.
Lucy Virginia French died in 1881.
Lucy is a fossilized skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia by a French/American team. She is named after the Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
Lucy is a French, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh surname derived from the Latin name Lucius. The name means as of light. The English Lucy surname is taken from the Norman language and is also based on the Latin name Lucius. It was transmitted to England after the Norman Conquest in the 11th century.
The Hawaiian name for Lucy is Lusi.