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World War Z is rated PG-13.

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Q: What is the movie World War Z rated?
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Is World War Z a children's book?

World War Z is a Movie about zombies

Who acted the main role in 2013 world war z movie?

Brad Pitt was the star of "World War Z."

Who directed the movie 'World War Z'?

Marc Forster .

Who starred in the movie 'World War Z'?

Brad Pitt

Is their going to be a second world war Z?

Yes, there is already a World War Z sequel in the works. They are now working on the screenplay. There is no date of when the movie is expected out.

When will the movie of World War Z come out?

The move " World War Z" is going to come out in December 2012; so be prepared for the apocalypse of zombies;)By: Rainbow

Are they zombies in world war Z or crazed humans?

In both the book and Movie adaptation, the monsters were zombies and not crazed humans in World War Z. The movie starred Tom Cruise and received mixed reviews.

How long is the movie world war z?

116 minutes.

When does the World War Z movie come out?

The move "World War Z" is going to come out in December 2012; so be prepared for the zombie apocalypse so ;)created by:rainbow

What should I write for my World War Z movie review for my Horror lit and Film ENglish class?

You should exactly what you think about the World War 2 movie

When was the movie 'World War Z' released in theaters?

UK : June 2, 2013 .

What is the ISBN of World War Z?

The ISBN of World War Z is 0307346609.