The motto of Logistics Branch - Canadian Forces - is 'Service Second To None'.
I am not Canadian, but the use of the term "Canadian Forces" implies that you are referring to the Canadian Military. If that is the case, the US F.B.I. is in no way connected to the US Military and the two would not be similar.
Canadian Blood Services's motto is 'It's in you to give'.
The motto of Canadian Junior Football League is 'A Canadian Tradition Since 1890'.
Canadian Provost Corps's motto is 'Discipline Through Example'.
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps's motto is 'Nil Sine Labore Latin,'.
Royal Canadian Army Chaplain Corps's motto is 'In This Sign Conquer'.
Canadian Forces Military Police's motto is 'Securitas'.
The motto of Canadian Forces National Investigation Service is 'Virtus Officium Veritas'.
The motto of Canadian Forces Land Advanced Warfare Centre is 'Ex Coelis'.
I am not Canadian, but the use of the term "Canadian Forces" implies that you are referring to the Canadian Military. If that is the case, the US F.B.I. is in no way connected to the US Military and the two would not be similar.
Canadian Rangers's motto is 'Vigilans'.
The motto of Canadian Military Engineers is 'Everywhere'.
Dental Branch's motto is 'Sanitas in Ore'.
Canadian Virtual University's motto is 'Education online from accredited Canadian universities'.
Canadian Blood Services's motto is 'It's in you to give'.
Canadian Intelligence Corps's motto is 'Action From Knowledge'.
The motto of Canadian Junior Football League is 'A Canadian Tradition Since 1890'.