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Gallia is the Latin word of Gaul. It was a district of Western Europe during the Roman and Iron Age era.

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Gallia in Latin means "the land of the Gauls", this would be present day France.

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You were the Roman name for the area now known as France and Belgium?

The ancient Romans referred to modern day France and Belgium as Gaul. Prior to the Roman conquest of the region, the Romans divided Gaul into five regions: Gallia Belgica (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Northern France), Gallia Celtica (Brittany and Central France), Gallia Cisalpina (Northern Italy), Gallia Narbonensis (Southeastern France), and Gallia Aquitania (Southwestern France).

What is 'Gallic' in Italian?

Francese is the modern Italian equivalent of 'Gallic'. Gallico is an older term in Italian. It comes from the ancient name of 'Gallia' ['Gaul'] for modern day France.

What is modern name for Gaul?

Gaul is now referred to as France. Though Gaul was not as large a modern day France, it was about half the size and was separated from Germany by Celitca and Belgica.

What is gallia called now?

Gallia has now been called France So the answer is Gallia is france.

How many provinces did the Romans create in Gaul?

Four: Gallia Narbonensis, Gallia Aquitania, Gallia Lugdunensis, and Gallia Belgica

What is the capital of Gallia?

The capital of Gallia is Lutetia.

Where was Gallia?

The term 'Gallia' was applied to an area in the northwestern corner of continental Europe. Its coastline was bounded by the English Channel on the north. Its coasts were bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the west. The area coincided with the location of the modern-day France.

What was the name of France in the time of Julius Caecar?

"Gallia", though we say "Gaul".

Where was gallium origionaly found?

I would hazard in Gallia, an old name for France.

When was Gallia Narbonensis created?

Gallia Narbonensis was created in 121.

What was the Roman name for the area now known as France and Belgium?

France was known as Gallia and Belgium as Belgica. But Gallia is smaller then France and Belgica is bigger then Belgium. So check a map.

What was gallium and francium named after?

Gallium is from Gallia (the antique name of France).Francium is from France.