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The amount of calcium and magnesium in water determines its hardness.

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Q: What is the measurement of the amount of calcium and magnesium which water contains?
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How would you classify a rock that has even amount of silica iron and magnesium?

mr barky van shnouzer

Types of minerals?

There are two basic types of mineral. 1. Macro -- It is the amount mineral needed by the body which is larger than 100 milligrams. Examples: Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium 2. Trace-- It is the amount needed by the body in small amounts Example: Iron 3.Gypsum--a common white or colorless mineral (hydrated calcium sulphate) used to make cements and plasters (especially plaster of Paris) Gypsum is a very soft mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, with the chemical formula CaSO4·2H2O. A common mineral of evaporates in inland salt playas. Calcium sulphate the raw material (minerals alabaster, satin spar, selenite) used for gypsum plasters, wallboard/drywall; gypsum plaster, unlike cement, expands on setting, does not crack unless there are faults in the backing; must never be mixed with Portland cement.

How many acres can a mule plow in a day?

It's my understanding that the 'acre' measurement was derived from the amount of land that could be plowed by a mule in one (1) day. So, one (1) acre.

Why does Argentina have bad storms?

It is located closer to the southern part of hemisphere and closer to the south pole which contains many storms. That also explains the high amount of winds.

Milk does not coagulate on boiling but colostrum coagulate?

Mature milk contains whey protein and casein which do not coagulate n heating but coagulates with acidity( adding lemon ), however colostrum contains a high amount of lactoglobulin, to provide immunity to the newborn which makes the milk coagulate on heating.

Related questions

What helps regulate calcium in the bones?

It is Calcitonin. Calcium is carried by magnesium in the soil and in the body so a good balance of calcium to magnesium is needed throughout nature. Recognize that only a small amount of magnesium is needed just balanced in the right proportions.

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The hardness of water is a measurement of how acidic it is?

The hardness of water is actually a measurement of the mineral content in water, specifically the amount of calcium and magnesium ions present. It is not a measure of acidity but rather refers to the ability of water to form scale or soap scum.

What is reducing the amount of calcium and magnesium the water?

A water-softening system can reduce the amount of calcium and magnesium in water through a process called ion exchange. In the ion exchange process, calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium ions, reducing the hardness of the water. This results in softer water that is less likely to cause limescale buildup in pipes and appliances.

Does well water have calcium and magnesium?

Yes, well water can contain calcium and magnesium naturally. The amount of these minerals in well water can vary depending on the geological composition of the surrounding soil and rock formations.

Does molasses contain a significant amount of calcium?

Yes. Five tablespoons of cane molasses contains the daily requirement of calcium.

What is an example of administering magnesium with calcium supplements to increase the absorption of the mineral?

Administering magnesium along with calcium supplements can enhance the absorption of calcium by increasing the solubility and bioavailability of both minerals. For instance, a common example of this combination is taking a calcium and magnesium supplement with Vitamin D, which helps in the absorption and utilization of these minerals in the body.

How do vegans know if they are getting enough calcium?

As long as your diet contains a wide variety of whole plant foods, your calcium intake should be sufficient. You can get your calcium from a wide variety of foods, especially green leafy vegetables like spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, kale, and bok choy. Another food that contains calcium is tofu. The amount of calcium in tofu depends on the coagulating agent used. Calcium sulfate and nigari (magnesium chloride) are two commonly used agents. Check the label for ingredients. Choosing tofu made with calcium sulfate comes close to doubling the amount of available calcium per serving. If you want to know for sure if your blood levels of calcium are optimal, ask your doctor to draw your blood for a blood calcium test.

Is tonic water high in magnesium?

Tonic water typically contains a small amount of magnesium, but it is not considered a significant source of this mineral. If you are looking to increase your magnesium intake, it is recommended to consume foods that are higher in magnesium or consider magnesium supplements.

What percetage calcium is in dolomitic lime?

Generally dolomitic lime contains 25-30% CaCO3. The amount of any calcium in any lime is standardized to Calcium carbonate, using CCE, Calcium carbonate equivalent.

Does milk have magnesium?

Yes, milk contains some magnesium. It is not a significant source of magnesium, but it does contribute a small amount to your daily intake. Other good sources of magnesium include nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.

What is hardness in relation to water quality?

Hardness in water quality refers to the amount of dissolved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium, present in the water. These minerals can lead to scale buildup in pipes and appliances, reducing their efficiency and lifespan. Water hardness can also affect the taste of water and the effectiveness of cleaning products.