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Q: What is the major industry of your city?
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What is zambias major industry?

Zambia's major industry is mining.

What was the first major industry in WV and who was its developer?

the first major industry in WV was the lumber industry

What is a city of the ruhr valley?

Duisburg is a city in the Ruhr Valley located in western Germany. It is known for its steel industry and as a major inland port on the Rhine River.

Why is manufacturing a strong industry in sydney as well as other major cities?

Manufacturing is a strong industry in Sydney and other major cities due to several factors. These cities have well-developed infrastructure, including transportation networks and access to ports for importing raw materials and exporting finished products. Additionally, they have a skilled workforce and access to research institutions for innovation and development. Proximity to key markets and a supportive business environment also contribute to the strength of the manufacturing industry in these cities.

What are the major industries of Vatican City?

Roman Catholic AnswerVatican City is its own country and is only about 110 acres. Vatican City is entirely composed of the city of Vatican City which is its major and only city.

Where does Vatican City get most imports from?

Since the Vatican has no industry or agriculture, everything must be imported.

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Georgia's first major industry was textiles.

History of industrial catering?

it deals with how cateringe industry as we know started late in a 19th century with the devlopment of major city.

Major industries in Tallahassee?

Tallahassee is a high technology city and is often referred to as "Silicon Valley South". Government is also a central industry in Tallahassee's economy. Education, printing and publishing, food processing, and the lumber industry are major industries as well.

Why is lumbering New Jersey's major industry?

Lumbering is not New Jersey's major industry.

New Hampshire major industry?

The state of New Hampshire has many major industries such as tourism and lumber. Other major industries are textile and software.

What is the major industry of England?

There is no single major industry. It does however have a particularly big financial and banking industry. Much of the old heavy industry has declined and light industry is now predominant.