It means a mineral deposit that has some metal, precious or no. I.E. gold ore, iron ore, copper ore, zinc ore ETC.
Graphite is the main ore of pencil lead.
Algeria has high-grade iron ore, phosphate, mercury, lead, and zinc.
There natural resources are timber, Iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, chromite, nickel, gold, silver, and limestone
lead and zinc and gold and dimonds and
Cassiterite is the main ore of Tin.
Sphalerite is the main ore of zinc, a mineral dietary supplement, and rustproofing material.
Natural resources: petroleum; small reserves of iron ore, copper, chromium ore, zinc, tungsten, mica, silver, gold
Zinc is the metal that can be extracted from sphalerite ore. Sphalerite is the most important ore of zinc and typically contains around 67% zinc when pure. The extraction process involves crushing and heating the ore to remove impurities and recover the zinc metal.
Calamine is the ore of zinc. It is a mixture of zinc carbonate and other materials, such as iron oxide. Zinc extracted from calamine ore is used in various industrial applications, including in the production of batteries, cosmetics, and metal coatings.
Petroleum and small reserves of iron ore, copper, chromium ore, zinc, tungsten, mica, silver, gold, and hydro-power are the main natural resources in Sudan.
Zinc ore consists of zyncite which is red, franklinite which is black, and willemite which could be any color.
No, zirconium is not an ore of zinc. Zirconium is a chemical element commonly found in the Earth's crust, whereas zinc is a different element used in various industrial applications.
1)Zinc ore is concentrated by the process named forth floation to about 55% 2 )concentrated ore is roasted in the presence of air to convert the ore into Zinc Oxide ZnS + O2 ---> ZnO + SO2 3 )Zinc Oxide is reduced to zinc in the furnace by coke ZnO + C ---> Zn + CO2
Electrolysis is used in the extraction of zinc from its ore by passing an electric current through a solution containing zinc ions. This process causes the zinc ions to gain electrons and form solid zinc metal, which can then be collected.
Zinc ore is typically mined through a process that involves drilling, blasting, crushing, and transporting the ore to the surface. The ore is then processed to extract the zinc through various methods such as froth flotation, smelting, or electrolysis. Once extracted, the zinc is refined and purified for various industrial uses.