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Eat, drink, sleep and have sex. Because French people have the mentality of dogs, or possibly pigs, they are much less likely than Americans or Chinese to do things that will injure, kill, or otherwise inconvenience their neighbors, such as write books about Jesus Christ, riot, or lobby for an antitrust exemption for the insurance industry. The French are a real piece of work.

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13y ago

Africa is region bless with different mineral's on that, they enged on trading before the colonial master arrival since they cannot offer administration service.late 80s when the colonial master arrived, they introduced western education which has flow wide in Africa today. Today Africa has different occupation.

viticulture:this occupation is carryout in northcentral of western part of Africa(Nigeria),in perspective. That region support fruit growth such as, grape, tomatoes, okra,orange,e.t.c.

lumbring:lumbring occupation play a vital role on holding up the economy bounce down in southern part of west Africa(Ivory Coast). these region is located at the rainforest zone. cause the region to have continuous rain fall and tall tree with massive root base. lumbring is said to be act of cuting of economic tree for building,furniture,e.t.c.But in ivorycoast is use for building of canoe and craftwork

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13y ago

Strange...but believe it or Paris it is FASHION

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