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Q: What is the legend of a spring of eternal life?
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When was The Legend of Lotus Spring created?

The Legend of Lotus Spring was created in 1998.

When did The Legend of Lotus Spring happen?

The Legend of Lotus Spring happened in 1998.

What happend in The Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night?

you lost

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There is a white island in Greek mythology, part of the islands of the blessed where the heroes went at death for eternal life.

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I believe that is The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night.

What is eternal life written in latin?

Eternal life

What is a eternal life?

A eternal life is the life everlasting in the presene of god

What is secret that tuck told Winnie from the book tuck everlasting?

That they drank from the spring water which gave them eternal life.

Is there really eternal life or eternal death after this life?


Where can you get armax pal ps2 codes for the legend of spyro the eternal night?

I'm afraid that there are currently no AR Max codes for the Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. Only for the DS version, sorry.

What is the movie with a tree with a eternal spring?

The lovely bones

What is the most important you have learned in life?

That there is eternal life or eternal death.