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18 when you become an adult.

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18 years old when you become an adult.

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Q: What is the legal age a girl can move out in South Carolina?
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At what age can you move out of your mother's house in Greenville South Carolina?

South Carolina's legal age of majority is eighteen.

Is it legal to tell your 18 year old to move out of your house in south Carolina?

Yes, in South Carolina, an 18 year old is considered a legal adult and can be asked to move out of the house by their parents. There is no legal obligation for parents to provide housing for an adult child once they turn 18.

What is the legal age for girls to move out in South Carolina?

S.C. age of majority is eighteen for both genders.

Can a girl at seventeen move out and get married without parents permission in South Carolina?

No. But you can when you turn 18.

Is it legal for a 17-year-old girl to move out without her parents' permission in North Carolina?

No, the legal age of majority for N.C. is eighteen.

In South Carolina is it legal for a 17-year-old girl to move out if she has enlisted in the Army Reserves but has not yet gone to basic training?

No, the enlistee does not become emancipated until he or she is placed on active military duty.

Can a minor legally move from home without parental consent in the State of South Carolina?

No, the legal age of majority is 18.

Is it legal for my 17 year old to move out without my permission?

in South Carolina , yes . other states , i don't know .

Can you move out of your home in South Carolina at 17 and move to Pennsylvania?

In South Carolina, you can legally move out at 17 with parental consent, but you may encounter challenges if you plan to move to Pennsylvania as it is not your state of residence. It's advisable to seek legal advice and understand the laws regarding minors moving across state lines.

If you are not married can you move out of state with your children if I live in South Carolina?

might be some legal issues there might want to check with a lawyer.

What is legal age for child to move out of parents home in South Carolina?

18, just like everywhere else, unless you get emancipated prior to this.

What is the legal age that your child can move out WITH OUT consent from parents in South Carolina?

The legal age in South Carolina for a child to move out without parental consent is 18 years old. Under the law, individuals who are 18 or older are considered adults and can make their own decisions about where they live.