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The last line of the movie Brokeback Mountain: "Jack, I swear --," uttered by Ennis Del Mar, is the closest Ennis ever comes to telling Jack Twist that he loved him.

There is a sharp irony in these last words, for several reasons. While Ennis could have spoken these very words twenty years ago and told no lie, Jack is now dead and deaf to all words when they are finally spoken. The incomplete sentence itself reiterates the film's theme of a love that is forbidden, unspeakable, to be hidden away and nursed as the greatest shame, and yet the greatest joy, of the cowboys' difficult and conflicted lives.

The setting, of course, is a context in which these lines must be considered. Ennis has just found his own shirt, after twenty years of thinking it lost in the washing, now entwined within Jack's own in the man's childhood cupboard, like a second skin; a relic of their paradise lost on Brokeback Mountain. Viewers, as well as Ennis himself are all too aware that Jack Twist has had turns with many other men and women, yet seemed always to speak of his yearning to be reunited with Ennis --

" -- never enough time, never enough --", and it is perhaps tempting for some to believe Jack insincere, or to write him off as a man, no longer young, who will say anything to indulge his still insatiable libido. And yet we see that Jack is the thief of Ennis' shirt, that he has hidden it within his own bloodstained chemise -- with which he had once stemmed Ennis' blood -- as he has cherished Ennis within his own soul.

If it is a time of truth-telling for the dead, then also the living. The line comes unbidden, the final words of grief, of a love thwarted; significant because, in Annie Proulx's own words, "Jack had never asked him to swear anything and he himself wasn't the swearing kind."

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Jack; I swear.

no one really knows why.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

jack, i swear...

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