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* invented the two-way television telephone or videophone (1955) patented as a "photo phone signal separator network" * discovered the physical law of electrical kinetic resistance called the Zara effect (around 1930) * invented an airplane engine that ran on plain alcohol as fuel (1952) * improved methods of producing solar energy including creating new designs for a solar water heater (SolarSorber), a sun stove, and a solar battery (1960s) * invented a propeller-cutting machine (1952)

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10y ago

The Filipino scientist Gregorio Y. Zara invented, made improvements to, or discovered the following: invented the two-way videophone; discovered the physical law of electrical kinetic resistance, called the Zara effect; invented an airplane engine that ran on plain alcohol as fuel; improved methods of producing solar energy including creating new designs for a solar water heater, a sun stove, and a solar battery; invented a propeller-cutting machine; designed a microscope with a collapsible stage; and he helped design the robot called Marex X-10. He is one of the best known scientists from the Philippines.

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12y ago

I looked up these sites to help you with this. Tiles & Floors Adhesive & Grout . I hope these sites have helped you out on this matter.

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