importance of careful planning and spacing of births
Planning Commission is a non-Constitutional (not created by the Constitution) and non-statutory(not created by an Act of Parliament) body. It was created in 1950 by Govt. Of India by an executive resolution. Finance Commission, which does a similar work, is a Constitutional body. The appointment of Planning Commission has overshadowed the work and importance of Finance Commission.
Electronic media is extremely important, as it is very widespread and easily accessible. It is highly influential, especially to adolescents and young adults who seriously value technology.
load factor is the ratio of average load to max demand for a given period.High load factor meansless cost per KWHmore efficient use of power plant
Windows Media Center acts as a kind of central gathering for all of the media programs that you have on your computer, such as Windows Media Player.
what is the importance of product planning
Media planning is the process of choosing the right media to target the right customers. The best place to learn more about media planning is at Media Careers on the About Website.
importance of family planning in community
what is the importance of strategic planning in mis?
media planning is the process of formulating strategies and selecting the appropriate media vehicle that can be use to reach the target audience.
of what importance is planing to an organisation
The importance of planning a plan is to help you have a second choice when the first one does not work.
media planning is the process of stretegic line up then buying and fixing the advertisements process
importance of micro planning
The importance of the Critical path is that helps you in reducing risk, contingency planning, and project planning.