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Playstation Japan 1994 USA 1995

PSone or Slim PS Japan July 2000 USA September 2000

Playstation 2 Japan March 2000 USA October 2000

PS2 Slim September October 2004

Playstation 3 Japan November 2006 USA November 2006

PS3 Slim Japan USA September 2009

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The related Wikipedia link has a detailed history on the PS3 with Links to supporting articles and other more detailed information

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It started in 1994.

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History of PS3?

see related link

How can you get the history back once ir has been deleted from a PS3 device?

Sorry the PS3 does not have restore feature

If you were to write a persuasive essay what should it be about?

For example: Why the Xbox 360 is better than the PS3. (Or vice versa if you think PS3 is better) Or, Why (NAME) is the most influential Japanese person in history. (Or American history, or European history, or whatever.)

Do the PS3 updates delete web history?

I dont think so

What do you need for your ps3 slim to make it safe playing online?

You need to adjust the parental control setting on the PS3, have the PS3 set up in a community area, and look at the history on the www.

How do you delete Netflix history on your ps3?

u cant but there is a limeted amount of history so watch as many as possible to get rid of it

Is your boyfriend lying to me when he says PS3 updates delete history?

Yes. He is lying to you because PS3 Updates only interfere with configuration and does not delete anything at all!

How do you transfer your online account gaming history on ps3?

The history is not yours to transfer and belongs to PSN. The history remains under the PSN account and can not be moved to a new account

Can you download a map pack from a PS3 to another PS3?

Let's say you have 2 different PS3 in your home. If you purchased the Map Pack from the Playstation Store when you were logged on to one PS3 then when your log into the other PS3 you can access your download history and download the Add on. The other download would still be on the first PS3 and you would just be downloading from the Playstation Store again. Never provide your User ID and password to someone so that they can download on there PS3.

Is cod4 or cod5 better on ps3?

cod5 is the$hittest game in history cod4 is sooooooooo good OMG the grafics

Can you buy a PS3 that is not backwards and make it backwards compatible?

yes No you can not turn a PS3 into a Backwards Compatible PS2 game player. That's why the demand for older Backwards Compatible PS3 models with the 4 USB ports has increased the resale value. If you could make a Backwards Compatible PS3 Slim 250 GB why would someone pay as much for an old PS3 with an unknown history that might have been repaired many times.

Which is better a netbook or a PS3?

a ps3 because its better.