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For many years an unknown planet was thought to exist, that caused discrepancies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. This was dubbed Planet X. With improved measurements from the Voyager space probes, this Planet X was disproved, most astronomers believe now that it does not exist - that there are no more large undiscovered planets beyond Neptune that are in orbit around our sun. Several minor planets have been discovered further out though.

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None, there is no "Planet X"

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Q: What is the gravitational pull of Planet X?
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What planet sun or moon has the strongest gravitational pull?

Neither the sun nor the moon are planets. The sun has the strongest gravitational pull of any object in the solar system.

When was Thanks To The Moon's Gravitational Pull created?

Thanks To The Moon's Gravitational Pull was created in 2003.

What is gravitational pull and force of all the planets?

Usually the "pull" is given at the surface of the planet. The force reduces with distance. The units are Newtons (unit of force) per kilogram (of the object being pulled) The gravitational force is : (6.67x10-11)x(mass of the planet)x(mass of the object)/(distance between the planet and the object squared) (6.67x10-11 Newton's universal gravitational constant). Masses are measured in kilograms, and distance is measured in metres. Finally here's the answer, in Newtons per kilogram (rounded to the nearest whole number for the giant planets). Different sources may give slightly different numbers : Earth 9.81 Mercury 3.71 Venus 8.90 Mars 3.70 Jupiter 26 Saturn 11 Uranus 9 Neptune 12

Which planet has the weakest gravitational pull?

There are 3 possible answers to this question: Mercury, Mars, or Pluto. The simple definition of gravity is the force of attraction between two objects. Two factors determine gravitational pull: 1) the mass of the two objects and, 2) the distance between the two objects. Gravitational pull is proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects. For example, gravitational pull doubles if either of the two masses is doubled. On the other hand, gravity grows weaker if the two objects are moved farther apart. It is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, or if the distance is doubled between the two objects, gravity is only 1/4th as strong. So both mass and distance matter when determining gravitational pull. The big variable that the question doesn't address is how far away are you from the planet when you want to know it's "gravitational pull". Do you want to know the gravitational pull at some constant distance in space from each planet's center, or do you want to know the gravitational pull at each planet's surface. Because each planet has a different diameter, the distance from the planet's center varies from planet to planet. Since both mass and distance matter, here are the qualified answers: Pluto has, by far, the least mass of all the planets, but Pluto is now considered to be a "dwarf planet" and is no longer to be considered as a regular planet. If it were to be considered, it would have the least gravitational pull of all the planets at both it's surface and at some fixed distance in space from it's center. Mars has slightly more mass than than Mercury but also has a larger diameter. The math works out that Mars has the least gravity at it's surface. Even less than the surface gravity of Mercury because of Mars' larger diameter. Mercury has slightly less mass than Mars and a much smaller diameter. The math works out that at some constant distance in space, Mercury has the less gravitational pull than Mars because Mercury simply has less mass. Because Mercury's diameter is smaller, which puts you closer to its center, that makes its surface gravity slightly more than Mars'.

How would you expect earth's gravitational pull on you high in the Rocky Mountains to be different to be from a pull on a sea shore?

The earth's gravitational pull decreases as altitude increases.

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If an apple has a mass of 1kg what is its weight?

well depends what planet you are on the basic formulae is as follows weight = mass X gravitational field (gravitational pull) on each planet so depending on what planet you wish to know ill put int the answer . Mercury gravitational pull is 3.7 so its 3.7kg Venus gravitational pull is 8.8 so its 8.8kg Earth gravitational pull is 9.8 so its 9.8kg Mars gravitational pull is 3.7 so its 3.7kg Jupiter gravitational pull is 23.2 so its 23.2kg Saturn gravitational pull is 9.0 so its 9kg Uranus gravitational pull is 8.7 so its 8.7kg Neptune gravitational pull is 11.1 so its 11.1kg Pluto gravitational pull is 0.6 600g

What planet has a gravitational pull?

All of them.

What is the relationship between the mass of the planet and the relative strenghth of its gravitational pull?

The relative strength of its gravitational pull is directly proportional to the planet's mass.

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What hold the planet in their on orbit?

The gravitational pull of the Sun

What is the source of gravitational pull on the moon?

Planet Earth.

True or false the more mass a planet has the more its gravitational pull to another planet?

True. The gravitational force between two planets is directly proportional to the product of their masses. So, the greater the mass of a planet, the stronger its gravitational pull towards another planet.

Which three planets in your solar system have a gravitational pull about a tenth stronger than the gravity of the earth?

Uranus, Venus, and Planet X.

Why do you weigh more in one planet then in another?

You weigh more on a planet with a higher gravitational pull because gravity affects the mass of an object. The force of gravity is stronger on planets with more mass, which leads to greater weight for objects on the surface.


The planet and the moon(s) gravitational pull

How does the gravitational pull of the planet relate to the number of natural satellites it has?

It does not.