A flight from Miami to Amsterdam would have a flying time of about 10 hours.
Approximate flight duration time from Tokyo to Amsterdam is:12 hrs
The flight time from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Bahrain is about 5 hours, 57 minutes.
American and Continental fly from MIA to IAH in 2 hours 45 minutes, and the return trip takes 2 hours 15 minutes.
The total flight time is approximately 7 hours, depending on layovers, flight conditions, etc.
A flight from Miami to Amsterdam would have a flying time of about 10 hours.
Approx. 9 hr
Approximate flight duration time from Tokyo to Amsterdam is:12 hrs
flight time is 6hours and 10 minutes
The flight time is 7 hours, 48 minutes.
The flight time from Miami, Florida to Nassau, Bahamas is: 52 minutes
It is an estimated 9 hours flight.
The results of your search for Newcastle (NCL) to Miami, FL (MIA)Shortest Flight Duration * 11 hours 50 mins * Via London Heathrow Apt, London (LHR)* this includes transfer time at London Heathrow Apt, London (LHR)andThe results of your search for Newcastle (NCL) to Orlando, FL (ORL)Shortest Flight Duration * 12 hours 5 mins * Via Amsterdam, Amsterdam (AMS) * this includes transfer time at Amsterdam, Amsterdam (AMS)
The flight time from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Bahrain is about 5 hours, 57 minutes.
The flight time from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Cyprus is about3 hours, 39 minutes.
The flight time from Liverpool, United Kingdom to Amsterdam, Netherlands is about 41 minutes.
American and Continental fly from MIA to IAH in 2 hours 45 minutes, and the return trip takes 2 hours 15 minutes.