The flight time from London to Nepal is 13hrs.
4.50 hours.
The flight time from London, UK to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is approximately 6 hours and 39 minutes. The exact travel time depends on factors such as weather conditions and delays.
6 hours and 45 mins
11.5 hours, non-stop.
The flight time is approximately 12 hours.
The flight time is approximately 12 hours, 5 minutes.
It is approximately 12-14 hours depending on the airline and time of departure without stops. With stops, it can be up to 26 hours.
The distance from Port Louis, Mauritius to London, England is 9712 kilometers. A nonstop flight takes on average, 12 hours, 32 minutes.
Mauritius is four hours ahead of London when London is on Winter Time (three hours ahead when London is on Summer Time).
The flight time from Mauritius to Paris, France is about 11 hours, 41 minutes.
the usual time would be 11 hours directly :)
The average flight time from Rome, Italy to Mauritius is 10 hours, 19 minutes.
The flight time is 9 hours and 55 Mins
The flight time is 3 hours, 34 minutes.
It takes nearly 12hrs to fly from London Heathrow to Mauritius
The flight time from Australia to Mauritius is about 9 hours, 28 minutes.