They look as if they would rather be at the dentist not to mention they are so annoying, they have become unwatchable.
My favorite quote was made by Leah. when they were skiing and Hannah wasnt there and Leah said i want my hanny. it was so cute :) Joel Gosselin - "I have a weiner. Daddy's have weiners" -from the crayola factory episode
February. Kate did not schedule filming for that day because she wasnt sure how Mady would react to getting the braces put on, and she didnt want Mady to be embarassed! They did not film Mady getting braces because they did not know how she would react, and did not want her to be embarassed.
When asked if she ever thought about changing her last name Kate Gosselin Tweeted: "Not for a split second. Never will. Will possibly hyphenate if it comes to it...want name to be same as my kids"
We Don't Want No War - 2005 was released on: USA: 30 September 2005 (Woodstock Film Festival) Canada: 22 April 2006 (Sprockets Toronto International Film Festival for Children)
According to a tweet from Kate Gosselin on 4/6/2011: "Run 5-6 mi, 5x/wk. Eat major healthy. Want to run 1/2 marathon 2011"
Whether they want to film or not is not the question. Filming is harmful to kids in the long run, as is fame. A responsible caring parent should put their kids first and take the professionals advice and stop filming to prevent harm and long term damage.
Jon and Kate have both expressed a desire to do the best for their children. Do they want to reunite as a couple? No? Do they want to work things out for the benefit of their children? Absolutely Yes.
Strange thing to want to know... but given Kate Gosselin's committment to her personal fitness, she could probably pick up every one of her children. Cara and Mady are growing up.. so it is probably more challenging. If Gosselin can lift her own body weight, then she can life her girls.
There is a lot of curiousity and speculation about the Gosselin children forming a band. However, there is no evidence that they have any musical interests. Cara and Mady have taken music lessons, and later seen with instrument cases on their way home from school - but this is far from showing any inclination whatsoever in forming a band. There are fans out there that follow Hannah Montana and other Disney sponsored shows that are used to teen stars that are also in bands.
Opinions from various Wiki.answerers:No they would notThe Gosselin's show and even 'Jonas' is so Cool, I would even want to see the Guest star!I think The Gosselin's would be really Cool to Guest star in one of their episode's!
My favorite quote was made by Leah. when they were skiing and Hannah wasnt there and Leah said i want my hanny. it was so cute :) Joel Gosselin - "I have a weiner. Daddy's have weiners" -from the crayola factory episode
Jon and Kate Gosselin have said that they named their children their favorite names: Cara Nicole Madelyn Kate Alexis faith Hannah Joy Aaden Jonathan Collin Thomas Leah Hope Joel Kevin The dogs were named Shoka (for a bodyguard they met in Hawaii) and Nala (from the Lion King). They are not necessarily Kate Gosselin's favorite names, simply names she thought were appropriate for a pair of German Shepherd puppies. Ms Gosselin did not want to allow the children to name the dogs because they would pick something that she would be "stuck" with.
Opinions from various Wikianswerers: Yes he does he wants her back he wants to remarry her and live happily ever-after but Kate does not want that she thinks once a cheater always a cheater
February. Kate did not schedule filming for that day because she wasnt sure how Mady would react to getting the braces put on, and she didnt want Mady to be embarassed! They did not film Mady getting braces because they did not know how she would react, and did not want her to be embarassed.
Kate Gosselin had a book sigining in Cleveland Ohio in September 2009. There is no information on any book signings for Ms. Gosselin's upcoming book "I Just Want You to Know..." at this time. (February 2010)
When asked if she ever thought about changing her last name Kate Gosselin Tweeted: "Not for a split second. Never will. Will possibly hyphenate if it comes to it...want name to be same as my kids"
In 'Jon and Kate Plus 8', Jon Gosselin was still living with the family, taking care of his children and wife. In "Kate Plus 8" - Jon and Kate are divorced. Jon lives apart from the family. He works a full time job, and sees the children 2 weekends a month. Jon doesn't want to be on reality television, and chooses to live a private life.