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Q: What is the every child matters 5 outcomes?
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helps children better in life, the every child matters helps children achieve the 5 outcomes to improve the quality of life.

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How many child born in every seconds?

1 child is born every 5 seconds.

What is the number of outcomes if you roll 2 dice 5 times?

The number of outcomes you would have is number of outcomes x number of times done. Or in this case, number (of outcomes on the dice) x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 because you rolled the dice 5 times

How many outcomes are possible for a family of 5 children?

There are 2^5 = 32 outcomes possible for a family of 5 children.

How many possible outcomes are there when flipping a coin 5 times?

There are 25 = 32 possible outcomes.

How many possible outcomes can you get by tossing 5 coins?

There are 25 or 32 possible outcomes can you get by tossing 5 coins.

What are the 5 characteristics of child development?

Looking for 5 characteristics of development (It isn't intellectual, communication physical or Social) Do you know what they are? Try these 5: 1. community/environment 2. parental well being 3. parental behavior 4. child well being 5. later life outcomes

How many outcomes if a coin is tossed 4 times?

5 outcomes if the sequence is ignored. 24 = 16 outcomes in all.

How many outcomes can there be if you roll 5 different colored dice?

There are 65 = 7776 outcomes.

How many outcomes are there if a coin is tossed 5 together?

There are 25 = 32 possible outcomes.

If you get paid every Friday and 5 Fridays fall in one month are they supposed to take child support out of all 5 checks?

it doesn't matter when you receive the check it matters what pay period the check is for. for example if you get payed on the 3nd of august your getting paid fr work you did last week in July