Is episode 25
episode 28
i think its episode 26
episode 33 it's really funny must watch that episode! ;-)
no, but later and later ikuto gets more into amu and in the last episode in shugo chara ikuto kisses her on the cheek
In episode 62 , Nagihiko went to Amu's house with Rima :D ~ Hope it Helps :)
Tadase, and Ikuto. But, in episode 25 she shows sighs of liking Kukai. When she had that vision of Tadase asking to pray with her and Ikuto flirting with her, and Kukai picking her up and saying "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!I'LL BE TAKING HINAMORI NOW!!!" Well, I'm a fan of Kukai x Amu. But, Tadase and Ikuto are the main love intrests.
In the anime nothing happens but in the anime it shows that Kukai and Utau are going out and that Utau only likes Kukai and gave Ikuto up to Amu.
Yes They Do But Actually Utau Kisses Him. That's When Amu And Kukai Realized They Were Siblings.
Nikaidou plans to use the next X Egg to create the Embryoand selects Kukai as his next target. Meanwhile, Amu is selected as the speech contest representative. The other Guardians lend their aid, but Saaya grows jealous when she sees Kukai and Tadase help Amu. Nikaidou takes advantage of Saaya's jealously and manipulates Saaya into giving Kukai false information about how Tadase was gossiping about Kukai. Soon after, the two guardians are in an argument and Daichi returns to his egg. However, the arguing is a ruse by Kukai and Tadase to bring Nikaidou out into the open. Amu transforms into Amulet Heart and uses the Heart Rod for the first time to stop Nikaidou, but is unsuccessful. Nikaidou escapes, but he tears up Amu's speech manuscript in the process. However, Amu is able to give an extremely short improv speech on friendship and wins the contest.
"Eh! Tadase-kun has a crush on someone!?" - Amu, Ran, Miki, Su, and Diamond overhear Tadase talking to Kukai. He says that there is a girl he that is always on his mind and he can't sleep at night when he thinks over her. He also says that she is really cute. Kukai decides to help Tadase with the girl. Amu is shocked and devastated. Her stubborn character comes out again and at the Royale Garden Kukai stops by and meets Rikka and Hikaru. Hikaru addresses him as the former jack who stops by because he has nothing to do. Kukai defends himself by saying that he gives the Guardian's advice and brings up Tadase's "cute little problem". Amu goes home and consoles herself with food. Amu's Shugo Chara go to Tadase's to investigate and see him, Kukai, and a pretty girl conversing. Kiseki sees them and apologizes that he and Tadase already have a guest before he could finish his line Amu's Shugo Chara yell at him angrily then go home. Amu is in bed and her phone rings. She runs over to pick it up thinking it is Tadase, but it is Ikuto. Ikuto guesses that Amu was dumped by Tadase and hits the mark. Ikuto teases Amu that if he were there he would kiss her and give her a hug to console her. Amu's Shugo Chara tell her about the girl and Amu decided to confront Tadase. An X Egg appears and is upset because it was dumped and never wants to love again. Amu can't talk to it because she feels the same way and agrees with it. Tadase intervenes and says that Even if you are dumped that you should not give up on love because like them you can fall in love with someone else too. Amu purifies the X Egg and Tadase explains that it was a cute female dog and that he had asked Kukai to find a foster home for her. The girl who was there had been the one to take the dog in. Again Tadase says "I love you" to Amu which causes her to blush.
In "Shugo Chara," Amu and Ikuto develop a complex relationship that begins as conflicting but evolves into mutual understanding and care for each other. They share moments of vulnerability and intimacy, but their romantic relationship is left ambiguous and open to interpretation in the series.
He slept in her room in episode 65. Thanks for listening. :)(:My name is A.K.A Alana
There isn't an episode like that. Amu and Kukai saw them kissing in episode 27, but they're more freaked out than jealous, because they had no idea they were siblings.Really, Utau got jealous Ikuto kissed Amu
Amu gets confessed to about three times in the show. By Kairi, Tadase and Ikuto. Kukai doesn't like Amu bet seems to enjoy teasing her by flirting with her all the time 'cause it makes her feel embarassed. I hope this helped! Equineknowitall
Is episode 25
episode 13