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An ideal occlusion is that which shows a coincident mid-line, there is no crowding, no overlap, no rotations or spacing of teeth, there is correct crown angulation and inclination, the molar relationship is class 1, has an over-jet of about 2-4mm, class 1 canine relationship with a flat or slightly upwards curve of spee. A normal occlusion is one which shows some deviation from that of the ideal but is aesthetically acceptable and functionally stable for the individual.

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Q: What is the difference between Normal and ideal occlusion?
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What is the relationship between time and the ideal of feminine beauty?

The ideal of beauty changes with time.

Your weight is 50 and your height is 158cm your age is 14 is it the ideal weight?

You wodnt be even BORN if you were 1lb. 51kg=1lb

Waist measurement for a woman 5'5?

An ideal measurement would be between 24" and 28"

How the diode acts as a switch?

A diode is made up of a P-Type and an N-Type semiconductor. P-Type has "missing" electrons (in a sense); N-Type has extra electrons (in a sense). This means that if you have current going through the two semiconductors from N-type into P-type, it should be easier than normal to apply the current because there is a potential difference between the N-type and P-type because of their relative "positivity" and "negativity". ...but if you reverse the voltage, then you are going against this potential difference and hence the voltage is impeded, resulting in a 0 current (in theory). This will only happen until the reverse voltage exceeds a threshold ampage, at which point the current will shoot up (in reverse).

Difference between stray and parasitic capacitance?

Parasitic capacitance is unavoidable and usually unwanted capacity between two or more conductors which exists due to close proximity and which typically causes non-ideal circuit behavior. Stray capacitance, as it is typically thought of, is a type of parasitic capacitance. It is the capacity from a conductor to its surroundings which is the aggregate of the conductors in its environment inversely weighted by the distance to each of the environmental conductors.

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The different between normal and ideal occlusion?

it is said to be in normal occlusion when the teeth are present and occluding in a healthy, stable, and pleasant manner while ideal occlusion or we all know "perfect occlusion" is the relationship existing when all the teeth are perfectly placed in the arches of the jaws and have a normal anatomic relationship to each other. We can attain normal occlusion but never an ideal occlusion. -irishkim7

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fdfv tdfgd trvx

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