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The caracal(Caracal caracal), also known as the desert lynx, is a wild cat widely distributed across Africa, Central Asia, and Southwest Asia into India.They occupy a wide variety of habitats from semidesert to relatively open savanna and scrubland to moist woodland and thicket or evergreen and montane forest such as in the Western Cape of South Africa. They prefer drier woodland and savanna regions with lower rainfall and some cover. (Wikipedia)

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Q: What is the community of a desert lynx?
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What desert is the lynx found in?

The lynx is an animal of the taiga, not the desert.

What cats live in the desert?

Desert Lynx & Sand Cat

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Lynx do not live in communities, they are solitary animals.

Are Desert lynx cats hypoallergenic?

Sorry its not.

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Desert lynx of Africa and south Asia?


Where does a desert lynx live?

The caracal (Caracal caracal), also known as the desert lynx, is a wild cat widely distributed across Africa, Central Asia, and Southwest Asia.

What Lynx eat in the desert?

Lynx are very adaptive to many different habitats. It's rare but not unheard of with Lynx living in the desert. If there is enough water and enough food, a Lynx may den in the desert but I don't believe it would be for very long. Lynx prefer wooded areas.

Info on a highland lynx cat?

According to "Highland Lynx cats were developed by crossing two existing breeds--Desert Lynx cats and Jungle Curls. The primary foundation breed for Highland Lynx is the Desert Lynx. Outcrosses to the Jungle Curls were made specifically to add the unique curled ears to the cats. Essentially, Highland Lynx are Desert Lynx with curled ears. They are strong, muscular cats which are medium in length with longer hind legs, and toes may be tufted. They are very alert, intelligent cats. Males are larger than females and slower to mature. These cats come in both long and short hair."

What makes up a community in the desert?

what makes up a community in the desert ecosystem

What is a desert community?

A desert community refers to the species and organisms that live in a desert area. This is the desert biome which includes plants and animals and other organisms.

Desert community different from a bog community?

A bog community has water