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A: The basic color code for value is as follow 0 black, 1 brown 2 red 3 orange 4 yellow 5 green 6 blue 7 violet 8 grey 9 white if i remember correctly. To read the value is simple 153 for example means 14 and the last number is the multiplier in this case 3 zeros translated as 15000 or 15k resistor. There maybe a fourth band for % +/-

A sentence used to memorize this is "Bad boys rape our young girls but violet gives willingly to gold orange or 20%.

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That would be Brown Black Black. Zero ohm resistors come with one black stripe.

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Q: What is the colour code on resistors?
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They use a color code. Colored bands on the resistor that tell the value. Some precision resistors have their value written on them.

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