94000130 fffb0000
c0000000 0000002f
12250010 000001ee
dc000000 00000004
d2000000 00000000
Code for victini on pokemon black
To get Victini in Pokemon black and white you use mystery gift and chose wifi. you will get a liberty pass. then go to castelia city and go to the liberty pier on the left. go onto the boat. there be a few team plasma guys go around the blockade and into the lighthouse a few more guys are in ther and when you get into the room there is one more then you can catch victini if you defeat him just leave the room and come back into the room he will be there. this will keep on happening until you catch him.
Victini can only be downloaded to a Black or White game. It will be available for about a month after release of the games. None of the new 156 Pokemon from B&W can be put on previous generation games.
Flare Blitz Final Gambit Stored Power Overheat
that is kinda easy it doesnt have a number. missingo is probly a hybrid of a victini since they both have the same pokedex number 000.(yes victini is a real Pokemon u can catch on liberty garden with liberty pass that is out at this if you have Pokemon black go on mystery gift to get a liberty pass, then go to celestial city and go on one of the ships to get there.
The Civil Code, between 1802-1804. The Commercial Code in 1807. The Criminal Code in 1808. The Penal Code in 1810.
There is no way to get victini in platinum his programming was done way after platinum was released
Yes, you can get a Shiny Victini but only by using an Action Replay code in order to get a Shiny Victini. The in-game Victini found within Liberty Garden is coded specifically to prevent it from ever being Shiny.
You can get a shiny victini by using the action replay's Pokemon modifier by selecting him from a list of Pokemon names and then you enable the shiny wild Pokemon code. And you can choose your own level from the level modifier.
Victini was created in 2010.
Yes, Victini is a Legendary.
No, Victini cannot breed.
victini has no little evolution
Victini does NOT evolve in Pokemon Black or White.
I will trade you a zorua for a victini
No, Victini doesn't evolve.
No, Victini is unbreedable.