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There are no cheats, but if you want maximum everything, always keep your opponent at low health. The longer you do this, the more upgrade points you will get. This also makes it so your opponent almost never attacks you. To unlock Zuko you have to beat the whole game (5 levels). If you want to get really powerful, I suggest upgrading your chi and health first.

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14y ago
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9y ago

There are many cheats for the video game of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I have the exact game for the GameCube. There are 8 cheats total, only one of which is permanent, otherwise, the cheats you want to use have to be entered in every time you turn on your video game console. The only permanent one is to unlock the Character Concept Art Gallery, and the code is 97831. The code for Unlimited Chi (one I use all the time) is 24463. The code for Double Damage is 34743. The code for Unlimited Stealth is 53467. The code for Unlock All Treasure Maps (the maps that allow you to find the hidden chests) is 37437. The code for One-Hit Dishonor (in other words, defeat your opponent with only one hit) is 54641. The code for Unlimited Health is 94677. The code for Unlimited Copper is 23637. Those are all the cheats for the game on any platform

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14y ago

they are 37437,54641,34743,23637,24463,94577,53467, and me i have the game and i tried these codes and they work. they dont work because they only have 5 marbles i have the game i won it today!!!!!!!!!!!! its john david

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14y ago

go to cheat codes type in numbers 24463 for unlimmited chi, 23637 for unlimtid ccopper,53467 for never ending selth,54641 to kill an enymie with one hit,34743 for double damage,37437 to get all treasure maps,and 97831 to get all character concepet art gallery.i got my info from secret cods fr consoles and handhelds

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15y ago

yes you go to the extras menu and go down to cheats and enter53467 good luck and have fun.

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14y ago

look it up on and if there are no codes there then there aren't any at all

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