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Q: What is the clone age?
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Do clone troopers age?

Yes. And actually they have growth acceleration. For example, it would take 10 years for a clone's biological age to be 20.

How old was dolly the sheeps clone?

Dolly died at the age of six. Dolly herself was a clone, I don't believe a second clone exists.

Is it possible to clone someone then to edit the egg and can you clone someone so that they are the same age as you?

Cloning involves creating a genetic copy of an organism, so technically it is possible to clone someone. However, the ethical and legal implications of cloning humans are significant and are currently restricted in most countries. The age of a clone would start from the point of birth, so it is not possible to clone someone to be the same age as you.

What are some things that are bad about human cloning?

the clone will age faster and it will also not have the same personality of the other person.the clone will also die early

What is the elementary principle's Alice in Gakuen Alice?

He has the clone alice. He divides up his piled up age into 2. So, for example, if he had the physical age of 20 (not his real age but the age he looks like), then he could "clone" himself which would make both the real and the clone have the body of a 10 year old. But unlike Misaki Harada, his clones do not disappear over time. So I'm guessing he has clones out in the world that's older than him (well older than his physical age).

How old do you have to be to play star wars the clone wars adventures?

i think any age you what only if you do not get embarrassed

Who owns the clone the man owns the clone or the clone owns the man?

the man owns the clone

Who is better an arc clone or a clone commando?

Clone commando

A member of a population of genetically identical cells produced from a single cell is a?

clone. Clone is the answer!

Can you create a clone of a clone?

No, it is not currently possible to create a clone of a clone. Each clone is a copy of the original organism and does not retain the ability to reproduce on its own.

Is it better to be a clone commander or a clone captain?

Its Better To Be A Clone Commander

10 Clone App Development Ideas for Your Business?

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition and provide unique solutions to their customers. One such solution is clone app development. Clone apps are replicas of popular apps that have already achieved success in the market.