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The destruction of Troy

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Q: What is the climax in Helen of troy 2003?
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What is the climax of the movie of Helen of troy?

The destruction of Troy

Reaction of Helen of Troy the movie?

The reaction of the 2003 movie Helen of Troy was good. Many movie critics thought the movie true to the era and the cast did an amazing job.

Why was Helen of troy called as Helen of troy?

because she cheated on her husband with the prince of troy

Who is coonsidered the hero or good person in Helen of troy 2003?

In the 2003 movie "Helen of Troy," most viewers would consider Helen to be the "hero" or good person. Despite being at the center of a conflict that leads to war, Helen is portrayed as brave and strong-willed, making difficult choices in the face of adversity. She is also shown as a victim of circumstances beyond her control.

Is Helen of troy a queen?

Yes, Helen of Troy was Queen of Sparta.

Script for role playing of Helen of troy?

the script of helen of troy

What is Helen of troy blamed for?

Helen of Troy was blamed for stsarting the Trojan War.

What city-state Helen and troy is from?

"Helen of Troy" was originally born in Sparta.

Who did Helen go with to Troy?

Aphrodite spirited Helen away to Troy to be with Paris.

What is the conflict in Helen of troy 2003?

The conflict in "Helen of Troy" (2003) revolves around the love triangle between Helen, the Queen of Sparta, her husband Menelaus, and the Trojan prince Paris. This leads to the Trojan War as Menelaus seeks to reclaim Helen and avenge the betrayal.

Was Helen of troy originaly from troy?

No: Helen of Troy was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, Queen of Sparta, wife of Menelaus.

When was Helen of Troy - album - created?

Helen of Troy - album - was created in 1975-11.