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different ones but these are the ones i know: John Greene and Jasmine Jones
2 cokes at the frosty freeze.
2 cokes at the frosty freeze.
I have just started writing one I have got to about 4 mins here it is: The Summer Belongs To You (Theme 'Summer Belongs To You) Act I, Scene 1 (Candace dials phone then phone ringing tone (person calling out)) (French da da da da do whilst...) Jeremy: Hello (Tired) Candace: Hi Jeremy its me Candace Jeremy: Hi Candace you realise its like 2am in Paris(Still tired) Candace: Oops (awkard laugh) sorry IIII was just wondering how your holiday was going Jeremy: Actually its funny you called 'cos you were in my dream just now (Bit more woken up) Candace: Really? (Bang from Candace's end of the phone) Jeremy: Yeah it was weird you and I were in this Dixie Land thing and this Iguana playing (Banging) the Obeo and we... (Candace interupts) Candace: I gotta go Jeremy I'll call you later (Jeremy looks at phone after being hung up on mid sentence) (Candace on phone to Mum but Mum not there Jeremy off stage now! Candace in back garden with Phineas and Ferb) Candace: Mum, Mum did you hear that? (Mum on stage now in car) Mum: I can't hear anything because of all this road constuction Candace: But Mum they've built a giant rope jumping robot and its (Candace puts hand over phone) Phineas can you turn that thing off I'm trying to bust you Phineas: We can't its become self aware the skipping was his idea (Candace turns around) Candace: Mum (runs out front door) Mum Mum (Mum shuts car door) Mum: Ok I'm here what did you wanna tell me? Candace: Back garden NOW! Mum: Excuse me?!?! Candace: Back garden now please (Goes to back garden the play not them) Robot: I jump and jump forever Phineas: Oh there you are Bella (cat) (Robot flies away from jumping) Candace: Right back here Mum look here they are (Bird whistle) Mum: Hi kids did you have fun today? Phineas: Yes, yes we did Mum: Good for you I would've been home sooner but it took me an hour to drive aroung the road constuction in the neighbourhood it sure would be helpful if they could juust a little longer (giggle) who do i call about that (Mum goes off stage) (an elephant runs across the stage) Phineas: Hey do you mind? We have a visual gag going on here (Runs away) Phineas: Thank you are summer holiday is more than half way over and what have accomplished? (Ferb opens a book titled 'Ferbs log') Phineas: Ok yeah so we've built a rollercoaster, we've travelled through time twice, discovered Atlantis blah blah blah blah blah blah see we've hardly done anything we need a real challenge we need to create the biggest, longest, funnest summer day of all time (dah duum) Ferb I know what were gonna do today (All go off stage Doofensmirtz comes on with Vanessa in a plane tune 'doofensmirtz in a jet airplane') Doofensmirtz: Well Vanessa are you looking forward to seeing Tokyo on our Daddy Daughter trip? Vanessa: Yeah I was really hoping for Paris I mean i did drop all those hints but I guess Tokyo's more exotic Doofensmirtz: Yes that is why I chose Japan over Paris at the last moment that makes perfect sence there is no other reason at all Flight captin: Eer this is your captin speaking were expecting a slight delay for our arrival in Tokyo Doofensmirtz: Aah theres always something turbulance head wind skipping robots (robot attached to plane) Robot: I don't know where I am (All go off stage go into Mum and Dads bedroom where Mum and Dad are packing suitcases) Candace: So Mum whilst your away I'm in charge for 2 whole days Mum: That's right remember no boys over Candace: Of course Mum Jeremy is in Paris anyway soooooo when you say I'm in charge what exactly do you mean by that? Mum: Well to put it simply I mean (grabs Candaces cheeks making her like she is speaking) Mum: Your in charge Candace: (with mouth still scrunched) So if Phineas and Ferb are up to something bust worthy (Mum lets go and carries on packing and I am as you say (Candace does same to Mum) In charge I have free reign to call you as many time nessacary Dad: Being in charge means you handle things yourself Mum: Yep basically if your really in charge you won't need to call at all you see if the boys are doing something bust worthy that means your not doing your job and you would be in trouble too Candace: Woah woah heavy! By busting the boys I bust myself Dad: Aah theres the rub right next to the pair of ducks I'm also packing this book of puns! (All go off stage and go to outside front door) All (candace mum dad phin and ferb): Byyyeeeee have a good time! (Goes to Candaces room) Candace: (dreaming) Paris french girls Jeremy iguanas playing obeos (Candace picks up phone and dials) Candace: Stacey I am freaking out here Stacey: (through phone) aaaach I'll be right over Candace: Cool thanks and could you bring some Breakfast (Phone hangs up) Candace: Hello (Goes to back garden with all of Phineas' friends and ferb) (morning) (Birds tweeting) Isabella: So Phineas Whatcha doin' up so early???!! Phineas: Todayis summer's solesist the longest day of the year and Ferb and I are gonna make it even longer (Phineas pulls sheet off the thing he has made) Phineas: Behold (Ferb on it) Phineas: The amazing sunbeater3000 All: Woah Buford: Its a name followed by a big number Phineas: Its fast and it runs on vegtable oil so its enviromentally friendly in this ship we will travel around the world as the sun does making this the longest day of summer even longer that'll give us 24 hours of continuos daylight add the extra 15 hours which we woul have had anyway that's almost a 40 hour day Buford: I can't be done theres only 24 hours in a day and that's that Phineas: Welllll yes and no you see Buford if you define the day by the passage of the sun and you Buford: Nah Nah I have written it as a play script!! enjoy!
Well you know everything's gonna be a breeze, At the end with no doubt just defy the means, You can fix any problem with the slightest of ease, yes please. When you might find it it'll go to your head, When you write a report on a book you never read, With the snap of ur fingers u can make your bed, that's what i said! Everything is not what it seems when you can get All you wanted in your wildest dreams You might run into trouble if you go to extremes Because everything is not what it seems Everything is not what it seems, When you can have what you want, By the simplest of means. Be careful not to mess with the balance of things, Because everything is not...what it seems. Oh-oo-oh-oo
its right and just
her first name is kitty but i can't remember her last name
It is the same author who writes the screenplay first they make the show then write the script in the book
Arthur Hansl has written: 'Sunstroke Mmp' 'A call from L.A.' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Freeze frame'
Phineas Mordell has written: 'The origin of letters and numerals according to the Sefer Yetzirah' -- subject(s): Accessible book
Gene starts to identify with becoming like Phineas because he admires Phineas' carefree and charismatic personality. He envies Phineas' ability to navigate life with such ease and grace, while Gene struggles with his own insecurities and inner turmoil. Phineas represents a freedom and innocence that Gene desires for himself.
different ones but these are the ones i know: John Greene and Jasmine Jones
Phineas Gage is not a book; he is a historical figure known for surviving a severe brain injury. There is no page count associated with his story.
yes. the book is a good one and a Georgia book award nominee for 2009 .posted by ronelle tshielaand the author is frances o'roark dowell
Call your bank to freeze your account then replace your old check book.
In the Telecommunications book on Page 180. The answer is Yes it does have a fixed-length frame of 53 octets.
The theme of "Phineas Gage: A Gruesome But True Story About Brain Science" revolves around the impact of brain injuries on personality, behavior, and the understanding of neuroscience. The book explores how Gage's case revolutionized the field of brain science by demonstrating the link between brain function and behavior.