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Q: What is the average weight height for a 24 month old boy?
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What is the average height and weight of an 11 month old boy?

The average height for an 11-month-old boy is around 29 inches (74 cm), and the average weight is around 20-24 pounds (9-11 kg). It's important to note that there can be variations in height and weight within this age group based on genetic and environmental factors.

What is the average height and weight of a twenty-month-old boy?

2 feet 3inches =:)

What is the normal weight and height of a twelve month old male?

The average height for a year-old boy is between 25 and 30 inches, and the average weight to go along with that is roughly 25 pounds or so.

Average height of a 9 month old baby?

Of course, the height of a 9 month old baby can vary. However, the average is usually 30-33 inches in height.

What is the average height of an 18 month old baby boy?

There really isn't an average height for a 16 month old boy. They vary in heights, and you should not be concerned about his height. Boys usually grow majorly and importantly at 13 anyways. :)

What is the average height of a nineteen month old baby boy?

30 inches

Average weight of boy height 5.8?

55 to 68 kgs

What is the average height of a 14 month old boy?

my cousin is 14 and he is average height. So he is 5 foot 5 1/2

What is the average weight and height for a 1 year old?

average height for a one year old girl is 32 inches average weight for a one year old girl is 24.75 lb average height for a one year old boy is 33.75 inches average weight for a one year old boy is 27 lb

Average height of 8 month old boy?

The average height is 2' 3" (69 cm), but it may vary by as much as 4" (10 cm) depending on ethnicity and genetics (if both parents are tall, it's likely that the child will be taller than average).

What is the average weight of a 9 month old male?

Because of growth rates and spurts, the average weight of a 9-month old baby boy will vary. The average 9-month old boy should weigh at least 20 pounds, however.

What is the average height of a twenty month old boy?

The average height of a twenty month old boy is 33.1 inches. The average weight for a boy of the same age is 25 lbs.