The average price for a matinee movie in the united states varies by the area and the theater. Anywhere from $6 something to $8 something is a standard matinee price for my area. Hope this helps.
I would say about $7.00. The price to get into Cinemark movie theater is $7.00 and there the biggest chain in the US. But just in case i would bring $10.00, some places are expensive.
if you read on books where the price is on the back it shows Canada's price and it's higher than US's price.
depending on what theater you go to or country it is usually between 30and 60 feet.
At the beginning of every show, what price is Maggie on the supermarket scanner?
The average retail price for a box of 20 cigarettes in SA is around R18,00 currently. Princeton recently had a recommended retails price of R13,50 printed on the wrapping. This isn't the case anymore however and you can now once again find prices ranging anywhere from R13,50 to R25,00 depending on where you buy from.... Please Princeton bring back the recommended retail price thing it helped us out a lot!
The average price of a movie ticket in 1991 was $4.21.
The average gas price in the US in 1978 was $0.65/gallon in the US. That was the same as $2.34/gallon today.
the average price for a french bike is about 462 us dollars
The average price of gas in 1968 was $0.34/gallon in the US.
In 2009, the US national average price of a gallon of regular gasoline was $2.35
In 2009, the US national average price of a gallon of regular gasoline was $2.35.
As of April 2012, the average price of a new car was$30,303 reports Forbes.
The average price for used Mazda RX7 in US is $6000 for car that is year 1994 - 1997. If the car is between the years 1997 - 2002 the average price is $11500.
The average US crude oil price in September 2009 was: $65.27 per barrel.
The average price of one gallon of gasoline in the US in the summer of 1970 was 36 cents.
Honda Accords have varying prices, but there is, of course, an average price as well. US News ranks the average price for a Honda Accord at about $26,007.