There is no average height for a 39-year-old woman. Height tends to relate to nationality rather than age (with occasional exceptions in old age). For more information about the average height of women (and men) in different countries, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions
105 is an average weight of a 29 yr. old @5"1' tall
The average height for a 37 year old male is 5 ft. 10 inches and the average weight is 175 lbs. Actual height and weight depends on factors such as genetics, body frame, metabolism and lifestyle.
the average height for an eleven year old is 52in. and weight is 77-79.2lbs.
Height of 38 old woman
The average weight of a woman depends on her height. The average weight of a 5' 8 woman is between 130-165.
There is no average height for a 39-year-old woman. Height tends to relate to nationality rather than age (with occasional exceptions in old age). For more information about the average height of women (and men) in different countries, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions
The average height of a 15 year old white woman is ~5'4" and the average weight is ~125lbs. The average height of a 15 year old African American woman is ~5'4" and the average weight is ~132lbs. The average height of a 15 year old hispanic woman is ~5'2" and the average weight is ~123lbs. Source: http://www.halls.MD/chart/height-weight.htm If you want to know specifically if you are over weight, underweight, or in the normal range, I suggest using this http://www.halls.MD/body-mass-index/av.htm a BMI calculator.
The average height of a three year old is 3'6
Ideal weight for a woman of this height is between 140 to 150 pounds.
105 is an average weight of a 29 yr. old @5"1' tall
The average height for a 12 year old is 4'11" or 5'0".
The average height for a 12 year old is 4'11" or 5'0".
According to the US Army Height & Weight chart.....137 lbs.
The average height for a 37 year old male is 5 ft. 10 inches and the average weight is 175 lbs. Actual height and weight depends on factors such as genetics, body frame, metabolism and lifestyle.