India's area is 3,287,590km2
India's total area comprises 3,287,590 square kilometres.
India - 1,269,210 square miles.
According to the Population Reference Bureau, in 2011 (the most recent figures), Australia's population density was 3 people per square kilometre.
It covers an area of 35,383,804,448,165 square feet rounded.
It is an area equivalent to 1 million square metres.
A kilometre is a unit of distance. A square kilometre is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.
Yes, in terms of area, Pakistan is bigger than Italy. Pakistan's total area is 803,940 square kilometre, whereas Italy's total area is 301,338 square kilometre.
1 square kilometre is an area equivalent to 1 million square metres.
The total area of Hong Kong is approximately 1,108 square kilometers.
Japan covers 377,944 km².
A kilometre is a unit of distance. A square kilometre is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.
36th. (796,095 Square Kilometre)
9.6 million square kilometre
A kilometre is a unit of distance. A square kilometre is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.
The area of India is about 1,269,346 square miles or 3.28 million square kilometers
1,000 metres in a kilometre, so a square kilometre is 1,000m x 1,000m, or 1,000,000m2. A million square metres in a square kilometre.