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USA Alabama16 USA Alaska 16 USA Arizona 18 USA Arkansas 14 USA California. 18 USA Colorado 15 USA Connecticut16. USA D.C. 16. USA Delaware 16. USA Florida16. B USA Georgia 16 USA Hawaii 16 USA Idaho 18. USA Illinois USA Indiana 14. USA Iowa 14 USA Kansas 16 USA Kentucky 16. USA Louisiana 17 US Maine 16 USA Maryland 16. USA Massachusetts 16 USA Michigan 16. USA Minnesota 16 USA Mississippi 16 USA Missouri 17 USA Montana 16 USA Nebraska 17 USA Nevada 16 USA New Hampshire 16 USA New Jersey 16. USA New Mexico 17 USA New York 17. USA North Carolina 16 USA North Dakota 18 USA Ohio 16 USA Oklahoma 16 USA Oregon 18 USA Pennsylvania 16. USA Rhode Island 16 USA South Carolina 16. USA South Dakota 16. USA Tennessee 18 USA Texas 17 USA Utah 16/18. USA Vermont 16 USA Virginia 18 USA Washington 16/18 USA West Virginia 16 USA Wisconsin 18 USA Wyoming 16/18. USA Travelling citizens 12/16 The slashes mean that additional ages. The lower number is the age of concent when one partner is older than that and youner than 18. This is a chart for heretrosexuals, however the ages are the same for lesbians and gays are the same, except for Nevada, which the age is 18. On traveling citizens both partners must be one year age apart or less to have sex under the age of 16.

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13y ago
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9y ago

The age of majority in the USA is 18 except Alabama (19), Nebraska (19), Puerto Rico (21) and Mississippi (21). The age of majority in Canada is 18 in all provinces except Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and British Columbia where it is 19, and 19 in all of the territories.

That being said, there are still some legal restrictions on persons in most of the USA under 21 years of age (alcohol purchase for example).

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12y ago

It's different for different states. In some parts of the US, it's 16 years old, while in others it's 18.

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Q: What is the age of consent in the US?
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What US state has the youngest age of consent?

The majority of the US has 16 as the age of consent. There is no lower age. A few states have set it at 17 or even 18.

Age of consent America?

The age of consent in the US varies by state. In most places the age of consent is set at 16. But there are states where it is 17 or even 19 years of age.

What is the legal age of consent for gay people in New York?

In New York the age of consent is 17 for any sexual orientation.The age of consent in the US varies by state. In New York the age of consent is set at 17. There is no difference based on sexual orientation.

What is the age of consent for a gay person in Texas?

17yo, the age of consent in the US is the same for gay and straight in the states.

What is the age of consent if you have dual citizenship in America and England?

The age of consent in the UK is 16 so when you are there you have to be 16. When in the US you have to be the age of consent in the state you live in. Those vary from 16-18.

What state has the lowest legal age of consent?

You can marry at any age as long as you have consent from your parent or guardian.

What is the age of consent for gay sex in US?

It varies by state, but in general, it's the same as the age of consent for heterosexual sex.

Legal age of consent in New Jersey?

The age of consent in the US varies by state. In New Jersey the age of consent is set at 16 years of age. But there are states where it is 17 or even 18 years old.

Is cybersex between someone under the age of consent in the US and someone the same age but over the age of consent in another country considered illegal if discovered by federal law enforcement?

The age of consent has little to do with it in this case. The transmission of such thing electronically indicates that you have to be over the age of 18 in the US.

Age of consent to leave home?

18 in the US.

Where can you get married at the age of 15?

Nowhere in the US without parental consent. There are states where you can with parental consent.

Age of consent law in New York in 1999?

The age of consent in the US varies by state. In New York the age of consent is set at 17 and that has not changed for many decades. But there are states where it is 16 or even 18 years of age.