Not it is not, it is just a Set ... from where Shake it up is shot
You might find the address of Studio Ghibli on Hayao Miyazaki's website
iCarly is recorded at Nickelodeon on sunset. type it in and you will find the adress.
The cast lives in Los Angeles, CA so they shoot the Entire series at Los Angeles Center Studios every Disney star on a Disney show lives in Los Angeles and either shoots in Los Angeles or Hollywood, CA
In the studio
it is in los angeles California
It was made in LA in a studio but the show the girls dance in is called Shake it Up Chicago.
Its at the shake it up studio!
It is in los angleles on sunset boulevard.
Creepy much?
Up Your @ss Around The Corner
Los Angeles Center Studios in Los Angeles,California
You can find the party dress in the shake it up studio
Not it is not, it is just a Set ... from where Shake it up is shot