If you mean on your DS then it is to talk to people otherwise I do not know sorry!
If your using Action Replay then it is L+R. If not than no.
You press the B button when you get the running shoes from your mom.
nothing this Pokemon evolves at level 27 for further reference try using Pokemon marriland .com then on the left there is the pokedex button
It's easy, just press all the buttons and try 2 find the path. If u come to a dead end then try another button!
First you find a body of water and use the rod,after some time when a exclamation mark appears you press the a button,now you encounter the Pokemon you bought up
go diamond
um...... its B
No. That would be a very expensive award. It would also be the biggest diamond ever discovered, lol.
you press the red button and there free
Press HOME button then Press CATALOG button Scroll down to.... log() a better way is [ diamond ] [ 7 ] this is the same as [ log() ]
press a
go to gamesfaqs.com and type in Pokemon diamond and you will see a FAQ button and press that and your done!
If your using Action Replay then it is L+R. If not than no.
hold ''Y'' while pressing the [{(#@! & THE #*^)}] button
go diamond