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The Swedish Guide/Scout Law:

1 A Scout seeks his/her faith and respects the faith of others.

2 A Scout is honest and reliable.

3 A Scout is friendly and helpful.

4 A Scout is considerate to others and trustworthy as a friend.

5 A Scout faces difficulties without complaining.

6 A Scout learns about nature and is concerned with its conservation.

7 A Scout feels responsibility for herself and others.


1 En scout visar vördnad för Gud och hans ord.

2 En scout är ärlig och pålitlig.

3 En scout är vänlig och hjälpsam.

4 En scout visar hänsyn och är en god kamrat.

5 En scout möter svårigheter med gott humör.

6 En scout lär känna och vårdar naturen.

7 En scout känner ansvar för sig själv och andra‡.

‡The word 'andra' (others) is a Swedish expression for society, and the clause as a whole means responsibility to the communities in which we live.

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Q: What is the Swedish Girl Scout law?
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When were Girl Scouts first founded in Sweden?

March 12, 1912 The first Girl Scout troop in the US was started on March 12, 1912, which is considered the day they were founded. Note: The name of the organization is Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), not GSA.

What are the release dates for Siv a Swedish Girl - 1971?

Siv a Swedish Girl - 1971 was released on: USA: 1971

What is the Philippines Girl Scout and Star Scout Slogan?

Panuntunan ng Girl Scout - Laging Handa Girl Scout Motto - Be Prepared Pamansag ng Girl Scout - Gumawa nang mabuti sa kapwa sa bawa't araw. Girl Scout Slogan - Do a good turn daily. Salowikain ng Star Scout - Maging matulungin Star Scout Motto - Lend a Hand Pamsansag ng Star Scout - Magpaligaya ng kapwa araw-araw. Star Scout Motto - Make someone happy every day.

What are Girl Scouts called in Sweden?

In Sweden today there are five scouts associations. Girl member organizations are all called Girl Guides. However, since the organizations are co-ed, everyone is called a scout, whether it is a he or a she. The Swedish Guide and Scout Association (SSF) The Guide and Scout Organization of the Mission Covenant Youth of Sweden (SMU-scout) The Swedish YMCA-YWCA Guide and Scout Association The Temperance Guide and Scout Association (NSF) The Salvation Army Guide and Scout Association (FA) Age groups: Senior Guide 15-18 (called Ranger Guide by the Swedish YWCA-YMCA Guides and Scouts) Guide 12-14 Junior Guide 10-11 Minior Guide 8-9 Beaver Guide 6-7 (not all units have Beaver Guides)

Why is it ironic that Camp Green Lake will become a Girl Scout camp?

It is ironic because Camp Green Lake was a juvenile detention camp for boys - a place for boys who had been in trouble with the law and at the end of the book, it becomes a Girl Scout camp, a place for girls who do good things, who "help people at all times".

Related questions

What is the original Girl Scout name in Sweden?

Swedish Girl Guides

What is the sixth Girl Scout Law?

There is no "sixth" Girl Scout Law. There is only one Girl Scout Law, however each WAGGGS member organization adapts their own variation as long as it adheres to the fundamental principles expressed within the WAGGGS Promise and Law.

What do Swedish Girl Guides wear?

Unlike the stereotype, swedish people are NOT nude! Shocker. No, we wear about the same thing as everyone else.

Did Juliette Gordon Low create the Girl Scout Law?

The Girl Scout Law is based on the Girl Guide Law which came from the scouting movement. Juliette Gordon Low probably helped develop the Girl Scout Law for Girl Scouts in the United States (GSUSA), but it was based on the Girl Guide Law as it developed through the scouting movement started by Lord Robert Baden-Powell.

How many times has the Girl Scout Law been changed since 1912?

According to "The Girl Scout Law Through the Years" on the web site (see Related Links), since the original Girl Scout Law in 1912, changes have been made to the Law a total of five times.

What are the rules to be a good Girl Scout?

To be a good Girl Scout, you should follow the Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law, be an active troop/group member, pay your membership dues, and follow the rules and safety guidelines.

What is the Russian Girl Scout law?

In the Russian Federation, the Russian Association of Girl Scouts (Rossiskaya Assotsiatsia Devochek-Skautov or RADS) Law is: In English: 1 A Girl Scout's honour is to be trusted. 2 A Girl Scout always finishes what she has started. 3 A Girl Scout does her best to be useful and help others. 4 A Girl Scout is friendly, affable and courteous. 5 All Girl Scouts are sisters. 6 A Girl Scout is a friend to nature. 7 A Girl Scout is loyal to her parents, disciplined, and obeys her Leaders' orders. 8 A Girl Scout is always cheerful. 9 A Girl Scout is thrifty and respects others' property. 10 A Girl Scout is pure and noble in thought, in word and in deed.

What type of Girl Scouts or Girl Guides are in Sweden?

There are five WAGGGS Member organizations in Sweden:Svenska Scoutförbundet (SSF) or Swedish Guide and Scout AssociationKfuk Och Kfums Scoutförbund (KFUK-KFUM) or Swedish YWCA-YMCA Guide and Scout AssociationSMU Scout (SMU-S) or Guide and Scout Organization of the Mission Covenant YouthNykterhetsrörelsens Scoutförbund (NSF) or Temperance Guide and Scout AssociationFrälsningsarméns Scoutförbund (FA) or Salvation Army Guide and Scout AssociationThe Swedish Guide and Scout Council is the co-operative body for the five Swedish Guide and Scout associations.Age groups:Senior Guide 15-18 (called Ranger Guide by the Swedish YWCA-YMCA Guides and Scouts) Guide 12-14Junior Guide 10-11Minior Guide 8-9Beaver Guide 6-7(not all units have Beaver Guides)

What do Swedish wear?

The Swedish Guide and Scout Council (Svenska Scoutrådet) uniforms consist of a dark blue Scout shirt and scarf.

What is the Girl Scout Law?

On my honor I will try to serve god and my country and to live by the Girl Scout Law. Above is the Girl Scout Promise. The Girl Guide/Girl Scout Law, as taught by Juliette Gordon Low to the first troop in the USA was: A Girl Guide's honor is to be trusted. A Girl Guide is loyal. A Girl Guide's duty is to be useful and to help others. A Girl Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Girl Guide. A Girl Guide is courteous. A Girl Guide is a friend to animals. A Girl Guide obeys orders. A Girl Guide is cheerful. A Girl Guide is thrifty. A Girl Guide is pure in thought, word, and deed.

What is the Brownie Girl Scout Promise in Hawaii?

Girl Scouts in Hawaii are members of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), so Brownie Girl Scouts in Hawaii have the same Girl Scout Promise as all GSUSA members.The Girl Scout PromiseOn my honor, I will try:To serve God and my country,To help people at all times,And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Do the Girl Guides Girl Scouts in Italy have a law?

There are two World Association of Girl Guide and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member organizations in Italy and each of them have a Girl Guide/Girl Scout law.