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To improve anaerobic endurance

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Q: What is the Purpose of feedback circuit?
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What is feedback circuit?

A circuit in which output feeding back to input to increase or decrease the gain is called feedback circuit. Basically part of output feeding to input in such way that it increase the value of input is positive feedback and it also increase gain of circuit and similarly to it when part of output feeding to input in such way that it decrease the value of input is called negative feedback it also decrease the gain of circuit.

What type of feedback is used in the phase shift oscillator circuit?

Positive feedback

What is the feedback circuit?

A circuit in which output feeding back to input to increase or decrease the gain is called feedback circuit. Basically part of output feeding to input in such way that it increase the value of input is positive feedback and it also increase gain of circuit and similarly to it when part of output feeding to input in such way that it decrease the value of input is called negative feedback it also decrease the gain of circuit.

What is the purpose of the battery in the circuit?

The purpose of the battery in a circuit is to wive energy to the circuit

What is the purpose of the batteries in the circuit?

The purpose of the battery in a circuit is to wive energy to the circuit

What does feedback do?

The purpose of negative feedback in electronic amplifier circuits is to make the performance of the circuit depend as far as possible on well defined passive components like resistors and fixed capacitors, and not on the active devices which have a less well defined performance.

Why emitter bias circuit is called self bias circuit?

emitter bias provides a feedback to the circuit so that circuit remains in linear regionn

What is purpose of feedback?

tell the ratee what is expected

What is the purpose of feedback?

To improve anaerobic endurance

What is one purpose of getting feedback?

the purpose of getting feedback is so that you can different peoples answers, then decide for you self whos makes the most sense.